Telegram is a hugely popular messaging app with over 200 million monthly users, available across a large range of platforms and countries. Telegram’s messaging service has held huge appeal for those looking at alternatives to chat applications owned by social media giants, like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp; amid mounting concerns over user privacy. With a large portion of Telegram’s user base already familiar with digital currency, Telegram is looking to expand its footprint by offering a range of decentralized services on its blockchain platform – the Telegram Open Network. Crypto…
Day: April 10, 2019
Japanese Regulator FSA Hears Arguments for not Calling Bitcoin a Virtual Currency
Japanese finance regulator the Financial Services Agency (FSA) no longer wishes to describe Bitcoin (BTC) as a virtual currency, Cointelegraph Japan reported on April 8, quoting minutes of a meeting originally held on March 4. During a plenary session at the 41st General Assembly of the Financial Council and the 29th Financial Division Meeting, Professor Iwashita Goto of the Public Policy Graduate School of Kyoto University, petitioned members to adapt their view of Bitcoin. The largest cryptocurrency, he argued, has become something beyond a means of transacting, due to its…
Blockchain Ecosystem Offers $1.5 Million DApp Development Fund, Tech Support and Marketing
An established blockchain ecosystem has launched a decentralized application (DApp) funding program worth $1.5 million to incentivize developers and enthusiasts to build applications with real value. WaykiChain says it will offer support of up to $15,000 for every decentralized application, along with other services that include tech support, branding and product marketing. The company hopes this program will help eliminate worries for developers and put them on a solid financial footing. Over time, WaykiChain believes this initiative will lead to a “long-lasting, stable, efficient, fair and sustainable ecosystem” where developers…
Top-Subscribed YouTuber PewDiePie Partners With Blockchain Livestreaming Platform
PewDiePie, the personality behind the most-subscribed channel on YouTube, will start streaming on blockchain video platform DLive as of April 14, the firm announced in a press release on April 9. DLive, a blockchain-powered broadcasting app that includes a rewards system for content creators, will be “the exclusive livestreaming platform” for famous Swedish YouTuber Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, the press release notes. Based on decentralized blockchain protocol Lino, DLive claims to allow both content makers and viewers to earn rewards for their participation in content creation and consumption…
Bitstamp USA Granted New York BitLicense
The New York State Department of Financial Services or DFS granted virtual currency license, known as a BitLicense, to Bitstamp USA Inc., a unit of European cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp Ltd. The latest approval expands New York’s virtual currency market, providing more competition and choice for consumers across the State, DFS said in a statement. With the authorization, Bitstamp USA can offer services to its customers, including buying and selling bitcoin, along with certain select virtual currencies, for US dollar and vice versa. Bitstamp USA is also authorized to facilitate transfers…
YouTube’s Biggest Star PewDiePie Swaps Stream to Blockchain Video Platform
Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. YouTube’s most popular content creator will ditch the video juggernaut in favor of crypto-based DLive in a massive win for blockchain awareness and adoption. With 93 million subscribers (and counting)…
YouTube’s Biggest Star PewDiePie Swaps Stream to Blockchain Video Platform
Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. YouTube’s most popular content creator will ditch the video juggernaut in favor of crypto-based DLive in a massive win for blockchain awareness and adoption. With 93 million subscribers (and counting)…
New Experiments Could Allow Bitcoin Traders to Locate Price Bottoms
Arithmetic researchers Willy Woo and David Puell might have pulled off methods to realize bitcoin price bottoms. In their latest tweetstorm, the cryptocurrency analysts shared two experiments after analyzing the bitcoin’s price action relationship with a time-value relating to how long an investor held their coins. Woo’s experiment was about finding Cumulative Value-days Destroyed (CVDD), a method to track the total value-time destroyed as one holder transferred bitcoin’s ownership to another holder. On the other hand, Puell’s experiment focused on finding the Transferred Price and Balanced Price by using the…
The Philippines’ Central Bank Has Already Legalized 10 Bitcoin Exchanges
Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. According to local reports, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has approved three crypto exchanges, bringing the total number of approved crypto exchanges to 10. The Manila Times reported: “Melchor…
The Philippines’ Central Bank Has Already Legalized 10 Bitcoin Exchanges
Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. Get Exclusive Analysis and Investing Ideas of Future Assets on Join the community today and get up to $400 in discount by using the code: “CCN+Hacked”. Sign up here. According to local reports, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) has approved three crypto exchanges, bringing the total number of approved crypto exchanges to 10. The Manila Times reported: “Melchor…