Liquid’s intention to sell encrypted messenger Telegram’s token, gram, is not connected to the company, a source close to Telegram told Cointelegraph in private comments on June 11. As Cointelegraph reported earlier Tuesday, cryptocurrency exchange Liquid had announced that on July 10, it would be the representative of sales of Telegram’s gram tokens for Gram Asia. Gram Asia is allegedly the largest holder of the token in Asia, Liquid’s press release notes. However, a source close to Telegram has stated to Cointelegraph that there was no relationship between Liquid and…
Day: June 11, 2019
Visa Launches Global Cross-Border Network Based on Certain Aspects of Blockchain
United States’ payment giant Visa has launched a cross-border payment network derived from some aspects of blockchain technology, Reuters reports June 11. The network, called “Visa B2B Connect,” is designed to facilitate international payments made by global financial institutions by enabling direct interbanking transactions between businesses and beneficiaries. According to the report, the network already covers 30 trade channels worldwide to enable faster and cheaper cross-border payments, and is expected to expand to 90 markets by the end of 2019. Visa B2B Connect is partially based on blockchain technology, containing…
There Is No Evidence That the Crypto Winter Is Now Over
Former Wall Street executive and current blockchain researcher Tone Vays has expressed skepticism about the fact that crypto winter is over. Vays made his comments in an interview with Cointelegraph on June 10. Vays, a former financial analyst at United States’ banking giant JPMorgan, revealed that he does not trust the recent rally in the crypto markets, claiming that he has not observed “too much external money coming into the space.” The blockchain consultant argued that the recent reverse of a long-lasting bear market was supported by internal capital, stating…
44% of European Healthcare Organizations Have Never Heard of Blockchain: IDC Survey
Only a limited number of healthcare firms in Europe are aware of the benefits of blockchain applications, according to a survey by American market research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) released on June 6. As much as 44% of European healthcare organizations had never heard of distributed ledger technology (DLT), while only 12% of those are related to the tech in some sense, blockchain media outlet Ledger Insights reports, citing the IDC’ research titled “IDC Survey Spotlight.” Only 1% out of those 12% have a certain blockchain initiative in production,…
Blockchain Genomics Firm, Global Pharma Giant Merck Sign Anonymized Data Sharing Agreement
Blockchain firm Nebula Genomics has announced a collaboration with EMD Serono, the North American biopharmaceutical business of Merck KGaA — the world’s oldest operating pharmaceutical firm. The news was announced in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on June 11. As previously reported, Nebula is a blockchain-powered platform for genome-sequencing data, co-founded in 2017 by renowned geneticist Professor George Church and his Harvard colleagues Dennis Grishin and Kamal Obbad. The platform leverages blockchain technology in a bid to incentivize genomic data generation and sharing, and to lower the costs of…
Ex-Employee Sues Zcash Operator in $2 Million Lawsuit Over Unpaid Stocks
The company behind cryptocurrency zcash (ZEC) is facing a $2 million legal challenge over unpaid shares, documents originally filed on May 29 confirm. According to the complaint, which appeared at the Superior Court of California for the County of San Francisco, an ex-employee brought the charges after he did not receive $15,000 of stock in 2016. Simon Liu worked for Zerocoin, now known as the Electric Coin Company, and additionally claims the company was not legally permitted to offer the equity. “Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that…
Bitcoin People Directory Lists Crypto-Friendly Merchants
The number of businesses accepting cryptocurrencies for goods and services has been growing, particularly for P2P coins such as bitcoin cash. Finding places where you can spend your digital cash is easy thanks to platforms such as Bitcoin People. Also read: How to Buy a Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet With Bitcoin Cash Find Products and Services You Can Buy With BCH is a merchant directory listing companies that support payments in bitcoin cash (BCH) and several other major coins and tokens. It’s useful for both potential customers who want to…
Nasdaq and CryptoCompare Partner on Institution-Oriented Crypto Pricing Product
The world’s second-largest stock exchange, Nasdaq, and crypto data provider CryptoCompare have partnered to release a cryptocurrency pricing product targeted at institutional investors. The news was revealed in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on June 11. The new product, dubbed the “Nasdaq/CryptoCompare Aggregate Crypto Reference Prices,” will be made available on the Nasdaq-owned platform Qandl — which reportedly provides financial and economic alternative datasets for over 400,000 financial professionals globally. The new Nasdaq-CryptoCompare pricing product will be based on CryptoCompare’s aggregate index datasets, which provide ostensibly minute-by-minute pricing data…
Major Korean Bank Signs MoU With Atomrigs Lab to Explore Crypto Asset Management
This article has been updated to correct the name of Atomrigs Lab. Major South Korean commercial lender KB Kookmin Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with blockchain technology firm Atomrigs Lab to jointly explore digital asset management and protection solutions. The news was released at a press conference at the bank’s office in Seoul on June 11. The MoU — signed yesterday, June 10, in Seoul — establishes that the two partners will focus on digital asset market growth and new crypto-related businesses, according to Korean news outlet Yonhap…
Digital Asset Security Startup Fireblocks Leaves Stealth Mode With $16 Million in Funding
Digital asset cybersecurity startup Fireblocks announced its launch out of stealth mode with $16 million in funding, according to a press release shared with Cointelegraph on June 11. Per the release, Fireblocks obtained the capital during its Series A funding round from Cyberstarts, Tenaya Capital, EightRoads (Fidelity INTL), Swisscom Ventures and MState. The startup reportedly counts crypto merchant bank Galaxy Digital, over-the-counter digital trading platform Genesis Global Trading and others among its customers, with the company declaring: “Currently, Fireblocks is integrated with 15 digital asset exchanges and offers support for…