The metaverse is one tech trend showing no signs of waning – in fact, quite the opposite. Experts believe that the metaverse is perhaps the most significant transformational opportunity to hit branding and marketing since the advent of the internet itself. Investment bank Jefferies states that the NFT market, the backbone of decentralized metaverses, will reach over $80 billion by 2025. Morgan Stanley believes there’s a $56 million opportunity on the table in the luxury goods sector alone. But when we talk of brands entering the metaverse, what does it…
Day: March 31, 2022
US Firms Providing Custody Services Should Account for Crypto Assets as Liability, Disclose Risk, SEC Says
The leader in news and information on cryptocurrency, digital assets and the future of money, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. As part of their compensation, certain CoinDesk employees, including editorial employees, may receive exposure to DCG equity in the form of stock appreciation rights, which vest over a multi-year period. CoinDesk journalists are not allowed to purchase…
Next Earth will be Listed on a Centralized Exchange
There’s more, and it’s only Thursday! Exciting a week for the third-largest metaverse: Next Earth today announced that the NXTT token will be listed on a centralized exchange, with plans to be in another top 3 exchange within 2-8 weeks of this first listing. Gabor Retfalvi and David Taylor explained in their Youtube live session, that CEXistings will provide more liquidity and accessibility to the NXTT token, and will help to further grow the booming Next Earth community. With the first CEX listing agreement complete, all that remains is technical…
Galaxy Digital Tweaks BitGo Purchase Terms as It Awaits SEC Action
Speaking on the company earnings call Thursday morning, CEO Mike Novogratz said Galaxy tweaked the deal terms to reflect progress BitGo has made, including hiring over 150 people since the original agreement in May. “It’s a bigger and better company,” and Galaxy will continue to work on integration with BitGo, he said. Source
Crypto Should Disrupt Current Anti-Money Laundering Practices, Not Adopt Them
Modern know-your-customer, anti-money laundering regulations are ineffective; crypto represents a better option to address this problem. Source
Coinbase To $1T (i bought shares)
▶ Coinbase Website: ▶ CEX Website: Going live to discuss my bullish thesis on Coinbase stock and why I think the company could be worth $1T in the long-term, and has significant potential to reinven the global financial system. I bought some shares today (sold my Square stock). Going live to document the journey and explain my thinking. Remember, nothing in this show is financial advice. Coinbase investor relations: Coinbase HyperCharts: Paypal should buy Coinbase video (HyperChange throwback from 2017): ▶ Coinbase Website: ▶ CEX Website:…
價值投資,持有HDAO探索升值潛力! | Blockchain News
區塊鏈作為構造信任的媒介,有史以來第一次能夠從技術層面建立去中心化信任,將成為新型價值互聯網絡的基礎設施,這將徹底改變人類社會的價值傳遞方式。 香港數字資產交易所HKD.com的平台幣 DAO(HDAO)旨在推動DAO治理模式,讓HDAO持幣者能共同治理和創造香港數字資產交易所HKD.com的未來啊。 HDAO是基於以太鏈、波場鏈以及馬蹄鏈開發的跨鏈去中心化區塊鏈數字資產,是鏈接使用者、節點及整個 DAO生態系統的燃料。 與此同時,HDAO也是社區的權益證明,應用場景十分廣泛,除了鏈上借貸、以HDAO支付 交易手續費並且獲得相應等級的折扣、在 的NFT 交易平台買賣NFT、流動性挖礦等平台幣功能外,HDAO亦揉合了現時DAO治理幣的應用功能,如去中心化自治投票、考核區專案投票、福利專場、參與治理等,令其功能更多元化。 HDAO旨在建立廣泛數位信任、資產自由流通、大眾共有應用的區塊鏈網路生態,提供開放、高效、擴展性強的底層技術支撐,契合金融、物聯網、社交等各行業的資產數位化及價值流通需求,將數字資產、智慧設備、用戶數據等有機連接在一起,通過數位化交易和智慧合約,讓更多人從資產數位化及區塊鏈新經濟中受益。 推出銷毀機制利好價格健康發展 HDAO即將推出銷毀機制,進一步踐行HDAO通縮經濟模型,以實現HDAO的價值上升,近期還將陸續拓展DAO組織權益,以投票的形式豐富DAO組織生態的建設和整體生態的多樣性發展 ,與此同時,HDAO近期已上線Bitmart交易平台,後期將陸續登陸Bibox等其他頂級交易平台,同時HDAO已打通與MetaBunny的生態鏈接,實現更廣闊的應用空間,HDAO在這個生態底層提供了集監管、投資、運營、開發多維一體的生態保障及機制。 打造資源分享商業生態圈:HDAO堅持以區塊鏈去中心化思想為根本,將價值不可估量的商業生態圈打造成為一個支援主流數字貨幣流通的共用經濟平台! HDAO將區塊鏈革命進行到底,為智慧型社會賦能! 也將同時重塑區塊鏈行業,基於服務數字經濟的理念,完成HDAO生態發展的願景。 實力讓數字經濟的春風播撒全球,HDAO將打造DeFi價值創新標杆 自2022年2月28日下午3時HDAO正式上線,最高漲幅為18 倍的消息持續在幣圈傳播擴散后,HDAO創始團隊持續不斷收到各大區塊鏈媒體和區塊鏈知名KOL及區塊鏈媒體的邀請,參加AMA活動,為大眾展示嶄新的平台幣揉合治理幣的混合幣理念。 目前,HDAO創始團隊已受邀参与由知名區塊鏈媒體Blockchain.News、火星財經、金色財經等举办的AMA活動,在這些活動中,HDAO創始團隊著重回答與會嘉賓關於HDAO 生態應用和發展規劃以及未來願景的相關問題,一時間,直播間擁躉人數激增,合計全程參與觀看直播的人數突破數万人。 HDAO登陸CoinGecko及CMC 與此同時,受HDAO不斷增加的熱度和持續擴散的話題熱度影響下,HDAO已被國際權威加密貨幣機構CoinGecko及CMC收錄。 而一系列的AMA(Ask Me Anything)活動也令HDAO受到越來越多國際社區的追捧。 HDAO正積極在全球開拓市場,為海外的區塊鏈市場做出邁步,迎接DeFi下一個風口。 DAO旨在孵化更多優質項目,以推動香港數字資產空間的發展。於 2020 年完成了由 Capital、NKC Capital 和其他知名投資者領投的 10,000,000 美元融資。使得HDAO更能著力於朝著更合規、更公平、更開放、更透明的方向去發展。 新技術、新產品取代舊事物已是大勢所趨。 在飛速變幻的信息時代中,誰先洞察先機,抓住機遇,誰就有可能成就自己的傳奇。 而在數位貨幣發展浪潮下,去中心化交易所已成未來趨勢,也是孕育下一個財富密碼的最佳場所。 可以預見,隨著HDAO的發行, 香港數字資產交易平台將帶動區塊鏈財富發展的下一個風口。 實力讓數字經濟的春風播撒全球,HDAO將打造DeFi價值創新標杆! Source link
Ola Finance Exploited for $3.6M in Re-Entrancy Attack
The attack comes after this week’s disclosure of a $625 million exploit of Axie Infinity’s Ronin network – one of the largest in decentralized finance (DeFi) history. While much smaller in comparison, the Ola attack stands as a reminder of how multimillion-dollar thefts – now commonplace in DeFi – continue to pile up as big money flows into lesser-known ecosystems. Source
Proxy42 partners with Nodle to Bring Extended Reality into the Gaming Metaverse – Blockchain News, Opinion, TV and Jobs
Proxy42, a pioneer in extended reality gaming and the metaverse creator behind World League Live!, is partnering with Nodle, a decentralized wireless network that provides secure and low-cost connectivity, to generate revenues and focus on creating a compelling experience for their community without having to show advertisements or harvest user data. Nodle is a decentralized wireless network that provides secure and low-cost connectivity, as well as data liquidity, to connect billions of devices worldwide while rewarding users with its native cryptocurrency (NODL). World League Live! is an augmented reality sports…
‘No Plan to Issue CBDC’ — Bank of Japan Governor – Featured Bitcoin News
Haruhiko Kuroda, the governor of the Bank of Japan (BOJ), has said the bank is currently not planning to launch a digital currency. The remarks come just a few days after the BOJ announced the commencement of the second phase of central bank digital currency experiments. Role of CBDC in People’s Lives The governor of the BOJ, Haruhiko Kuroda, recently disclosed the central bank’s stance on issuing a digital currency has not changed — it will not issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The governor, however, insisted the BOJ…