Happy 48th Birthday, Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Bitcoin!

We don’t know who Satoshi is and we likely never will, but the pseudonymous founder does apparently have a birthday. Satoshi entered a birth date when they registered the pseudonym with The P2P Foundation. Satoshi’s birthday is, according to that registration, April 5, 1975. (For proof, Satoshi’s age showed up as 38 on The P2P Foundation on April 4, 2014, and as 40 on April 5, 2015, implying an April 5, 1975, birthday.) Source

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao Says Crypto Industry Needs More Decentralized Exchanges

The chief executive of the world’s largest crypto exchange platform by volume says that the crypto industry needs more decentralized exchanges (DEXes). In a recent thread, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao says that even though DEXes can be flawed and he runs a massive centralized crypto exchange (CEX), he believes decentralized crypto swapping platforms are exactly what the industry needs. “We need more DEXs. PancakeSwap has most of the users. Uniswap has most of the TVL [total value locked]. That’s still ‘too centralized’… (I know, imagine that coming from me.) Need…

CBDCs ‘threaten Americans’ core freedoms’ — Cato Institute

A report from the Cato Institute argues that a United States government-issued central bank digital currency, or CBDC, would usurp the private sector and threaten citizens’ privacy and core freedoms. The U.S. government is investigating the creation of a CBDC — essentially a digital dollar that would be backed by the Federal Reserve. According to analysis from the Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based policy research think tank, this represents a clear and present danger to citizen privacy and the free market. The institute minced no words in the phrasing of…

ANZ bank completes Australian CBDC use case for carbon credit trading

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) has completed its use case in the pilot project run by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and Digital Finance Cooperative Research Centre using central bank digital currency (CBDC). ANZ partnered with Grollo Carbon Ventures (GCV) to trade carbon credits. ANZ tokenized Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and GCV used its A$DC stablecoin to trade carbon credits on a public, permissionless blockchain. Settlement occurred “in near real-time via ANZ smart contracts,” the bank said. Australian CBDC was used to back A$DC. ANZ banking…

Is Chief Twit Elon Musk Also Top DOGE?

Dogecoin is apparently spiking because people believe that Elon Musk could soon integrate a permanent dogecoin payment system on Twitter, the microblogging platform he overpaid for ($43 billion). Twitter has several million daily active users, many of them high-profile, and if even just a small percentage begin transacting in DOGE – as a joke or not – it’s not completely irrational to speculate on that translating into a higher price. Mind you, Twitter already has payment/tipping features using the U.S. dollar and the Bitcoin Lightning network. The latter is rarely…

USDC Boasted Transparency. It Didn’t Help When Silicon Valley Bank Got Into Trouble

On a long enough timeline, another significant stablecoin test, like the one that faced USDC, is inevitable. The reasons for the next one will be difficult to predict, and likely different from the last one. While opacity and a nonchalant approach to reserve management may not have been punished this time around (indeed, they seem to have been rewarded), if issuers internalize these lessons, then the next stablecoin crisis will only come sooner, and at a much larger scale. Source

Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Turns 48 Today, Coinciding With the Anniversary of FDR’s US Gold Ban – Featured Bitcoin News

According to the P2P Foundation forum, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, has ostensibly turned 48 today on April 5, 2023. More than 14 years ago, Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the forum members, noting that the inventor “developed a new open-source P2P e-cash system called Bitcoin.” The Significance of April 5 in the History of the U.S. Monetary System and Its Connection to Bitcoin’s Creator Just over 14 years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto registered with the P2P Foundation forum to share information about Bitcoin. According to Nakamoto’s P2P Foundation page,…

3 key Ethereum price metrics cast doubt on the strength of ETH’s recent rally

Ether (ETH) price had been battling the $1,850 resistance level, but it broke through on April 4 when Ether rallied to a 7-month high above $1,900. Recently there has been a lot of speculation on Ether price catalysts, let’s see if it’s possible to identify any fundamental factors behind the price movement.  The upcoming Shanghai hard fork could be one factor in Ether’s recent bullish momentum. On April 12, the ability for validators to withdraw their deposits opens, giving staking participants freedom of movement, but also t creating a sell-off…