Trump’s Sudden Pivot to Burisma Conspiracy Proves He’s Scared of Joe Biden

  • Joe Biden has enjoyed an unexpected surge and is once again the favorite to challenge Donald Trump in November.
  • GOP lawmakers are suddenly scrambling to resurrect their investigation into Hunter Biden’s association with Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
  • Renewed interest in the Burisma scandal highlights that Trump is taking Joe Biden seriously – as he should.

That President Donald Trump himself was gabbing with Sean Hannity on Fox News about his strategy to attack Joe Biden less than 48 hours after Super Tuesday says it all.

Biden’s stunning comeback has suddenly made things interesting. He’s living in Trump’s head rent-free, and this can only be a good thing for the 77-year-old Democratic hopeful.

Trump desperately resurrects Burisma scandal

You don’t have to be a politics junkie to know how temperamental and reactionary President Trump can be. We can add his recent interview with Sean Hannity to the list of evidence.

Not two days had passed following Joe Biden’s dramatic success in the Democratic primaries than Trump was on-air reacting in his typical manner.

Source: Twitter

Most political figures would take time and consult with their advisors on a strategy for dealing with an opponent. And then keep this strategy confidential for as long as possible.

Not Donald Trump.

Asked by the fawning Hannity if he’ll revisit the investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his controversial employment with a Ukrainian energy company, Trump said:

That will be a major issue in the campaign. I will bring that up all the time because I don’t see any way out for them.

After making his intentions regarding Joe Biden clear, Trump continued:

I don’t see how they can answer those questions. I hope they can, I’d actually prefer it that they can’t, but I don’t believe they will be able to answer those questions. That was purely corrupt.

Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the ramblings of an unsettled man.

Joe Biden must be loving this

It wasn’t that long ago that the investigation into Hunter Biden had faded away to virtually nothing. What had been considered important enough to risk impeachment over was suddenly of zero interest to President Trump or his GOP cronies.

That all changed on Tuesday with Biden’s success, and the former vice president must be ecstatic. The investigation into his son is far from ideal, but it signals that the opposition – and especially Trump – are taking him very seriously.

Does Donald Trump secretly fear Joe Biden?

Trump’s knee-jerk response to Super Tuesday reveals an uncomfortable truth. He’s rattled by Joe Biden.

His sudden desire to revisit the Ukraine situation so soon after his impeachment suggests desperation to shut Joe Biden down.

Source: Twitter

Will this approach work? His supporters shouldn’t be overly confident. Part of Trump’s initial appeal to voters was that he was the underdog. He was the one being attacked by his opponents – particularly the media – and voters didn’t see that as fair.

Trump has chosen to frame his strategy around attacking Biden over hearsay and rumors regarding his son. This takes his mind off his own gameplan and forces him to react rather than dictate the discussion.

And we all know that Donald Trump in reactionary mode is never a good thing.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.

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