New Stock-to-Flow Forecast Puts Average Bitcoin Price at $288K by 2024

The latest version of a popular and thus far accurate Bitcoin (BTC) price model predicts an average price of $288,000 โ€” and it could happen this year.

In a blog post introducing the third incarnation of the stock-to-flow (S2F) model on April 27, analyst PlanB revealed fresh calculations that are taking his forecast ever higher.

BTC S2FX demands $288K per coin

This time, gold and silver joined in, combining with BTC to create the new BTC S2F cross-asset model or S2FX.

Stock-to-flow calculates a value based on the supply of new Bitcoins entering circulation through mining versus the existing supply, or โ€œstock.โ€

The retroactive application confirms that the model is extremely competent at charting Bitcoinโ€™s growth, with even last monthโ€™s 60% drop still falling within its predicted range.

Prior to S2FX, an โ€œupdatedโ€ stock-to-flow chart put BTC/USD at an average of around $100,000 between 2020 and 2024. With the release of the new version, however, the prediction has almost tripled overnight.

โ€œThe S2FX model formula can be used to estimate the market value of the next BTC phase/cluster (BTC S2F will be 56 in 2020โ€“2024),โ€ PlanB summarized.

…This translates into a BTC price (given 19M BTC in 2020โ€“2024) of $288K.

Bitcoin S2FX chart. Source: Medium

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S2FX introduces the idea of โ€œclustersโ€ for Bitcoin as it moves between various use cases.ย 

According to PlanB, the cryptocurrency has already been considered as a โ€œproof of concept,โ€ for โ€œpayments,โ€ as โ€œE-goldโ€ and currently as a โ€œfinancial asset.โ€ Each tag accompanies a โ€œclusterโ€ of price points on the S2F chart, and each cluster gives a markedly different price forecast.

โ€œEach of the four identified BTC clusters has a very different S2F-market value combination that seems to be consistent with halvings and changing BTC narratives,โ€ he continued.

So far, it is the โ€œfinancial assetโ€ cluster which has produced the largest S2F value and market value โ€” 25.1 and $114 billion respectively.

Under S2FX and an S2F value of 56, Bitcoinโ€™s market value should balloon to $5.5 trillion, corresponding to a price per coin of $288,000.

The update was not without its detractors. Having previously criticized earlier work, the high-volume Bitcoin trader known as J0E007 took a fresh swipe at stock-to-flow, arguing that PlanB should include more โ€œassetsโ€ such as controversial altcoin, Bitcoin SV (BSV).

โ€œI think PlanB made a step in the right direction by including more assets in his model. Solid work,โ€ he tweeted on Tuesday.ย 

As soon as S2FX is confirmed for a wide range of assets like Pt, W, $BSV and $BCC, it will have my enthusiastic support. Highly scientific!

In further comments, J0E007 claimed that Bitcoinโ€™s upcoming halving is already โ€œpriced inโ€ to BTC/USD, and that next monthโ€™s event will precede a price crash.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin meanwhile is also among those with reservations about stock-to-flow.


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