Market Research Group Diar Launches Crypto Data Platform

Diar recently announced the launch of a curated crypto data platform that will cover multiple areas of the virtual currency industry. The market research group with its primary focus on cryptocurrencies will offer detailed research pages for cryptocurrency exchanges, Bitcoin (BTC), and institutional investments on its new site.

Each page will provide multiple analyses and updated information on all the aspects related to crypto space including recent news and regulations.

Curated crypto data platform from Diar to provide news on market trends

Each page of the crypto data platform from Diar will have a “State of Play” section which will break down the latest market trends and news. As of now it is not clear as to how often the company will add updates to these sections. The frequency is certainly going to be a key point in deciding the success of this platform.

Diar has good experience providing content and updates to the audience. Its weekly newsletter is already doing well. Now, the company is thinking of adding analytics for stablecoins and Ethereum, global markets and lending in the near future. With more and more companies in the crypto space trying to capture the attention of institutional users with their research-based investment products, this new approach by Diar could make a difference.

A recent example is that of Binance which launched its new research division called Binance Research with its primary focus on updating investors with institutional-grade reports related to blockchain projects.

Crypto industry needs unbiased content creators

Scams and frauds are now a regular feature of the crypto industry which is why speculations and rumors greatly affect the investors and the trading of cryptocurrencies. That is why the industry right now needs unbiased coverage of events and news so that investors and crypto enthusiasts get the most accurate information. Diar is one of the few major publications that extensively cover the latest news in crypto space and bring it to readers. Diar has made a big investment in the research of cryptocurrency so that it can come up with a wide range of stories from Bitcoin wallets to Bitcoin trading and more.

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