Dark Overlord | Hacker Group Demands Bitcoin or 9/11 “Truth” Comes Out

We’ll be providing many answers about 9/11 conspiracies through our 18,000 secret documents leak.

The group has already published a “teaser” that names law firms and gives out email addresses. It also mentions the Transport Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration, with promises of more to come.

Those targeted are expected to pay an unspecified Bitcoin ransom. If they don’t pay up, the group claims “we’re going to bury you with this.

The Dark Overlord

The Dark Overlord is a “professional adversarial threat group” that has struck many times before.

The hacker group has previously hacked Netflix—releasing an entire new season of ‘Orange is the New Black’ last year. It has also hacked a number of plastic surgery clinics with threats to reveal customer identities. It has reportedly hacked over 50 businesses thus far, selling back the stolen data for a fee.

Now the group has released a link to a 10GB encrypted archive of documents that reportedly detail the truth about 9/11. If their demands are not met, the hacker group promises to release the encryption keys.

Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin price is on the rise today. Starting 2019 with a bang, BTC is selling for $3,900 USD and is up over 4% on the day.

Featured Image: Depositphotos/VadimVasenin


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