4 Unique Things in Bitcoin for Students

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A student’s life is never easy, with classes, exams, exotic parties, and living far away from home there are many challenges to face. There is always a need to find something that will facilitate life around campus so every option is welcome.

Bitcoin, blockchain based cryptocurrency, is becoming increasingly popular among the general population, however, not many people see all the practical benefits this digital currency has to offer. For this reason, we decided to create an article that will portrait some of the most valuable benefits Bitcoin has to offer to students.

Ease of Monetary Transactions

When you study abroad, it’s not easy to take care of your financial status and dedicate to finishing all the exams on time. Sending money from one country to another is costly, there are bank fees, currency conversion fees, and more often than not it can take days until the money is in your hands. Bitcoins travel fast, it takes minutes for Bitcoin transaction to get approved and settled. The fees are minimal to nonexistent, which puts cost-efficiency to a maximum level.

Furthermore, if you decide to move to another country transferring your funds require talking to your bank, and loads of paperwork just to enable yourself to use the money you already own. Crossing the border with bitcoin is easy, just put your money on a USB stick and you’re good to go!

Just think about all the things you can acquire online and how much money you lose on account of conversion and bank fees. The list of companies that allow Bitcoin payments is growing larger by the day and you can pay online for just about anything you’d need using cryptocurrency.

Per example, students often need help with their studies which is the reason why online services like UK Best Essays, Superior Papers, Scholaradvisor and other exist in the first place. Paying online services usually include conversion and credit card fees, which, in a long run, take away a substantial amount of money. Therefore, Bitcoin payments provide a significant saving and students need to save every cent.

Finally, we all know how online purchases can go wrong simply because the merchant has a lack of scruples and claims your payment did not go through or you never made the payment in the first place. Since cryptocurrency transactions are unchangeable it is impossible to become a victim of money-hungry online frauds. 

It’s not unusual for finance students to dream big and see themselves as large Wall Street players in the future. Buying cheap and selling for a higher price, always keeping an eye on the flow of stock value and trade volume is not an easy endeavor, it takes a lot of practice to master these skills.

Bitcoin trade is a good way to start putting all those classes you took to work and practice your trading skills before you become an investment expert. Cryptocurrency trade became a real hit in the late 2017 and it’s still a popular source of income for many people both young and old. Nevertheless, there is no risk-free investment so make sure you don’t put in more than you are willing or able to lose.

In addition, there are numerous peer-to-peer loan platforms which include Bitcoin loans. These platforms allow users to put their digital money to work and gather tempting interest rates. However, make sure you choose a platform that suits your purposes, you don’t want to put your hard-earned Bitcoins into someone else’s hands just to see them going away with no guarantee of at least retrieving your investment.

Credit cards are a comfortable means of payment, however, they always leave a trail. Imagine using your parent’s credit card to purchase articles that you don’t want them to know about even if they allowed you to spend the amount of money needed for the payment. You won’t surprise your mom with a Mother’s day gift if she already sees it on her monthly report statement. This is where Bitcoin is your best friend as it leaves no trail and there is no personal data included before, during or after the transaction is complete. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you are completely untraceable, it’s just very difficult to find your address.

The world is changing, so is the way we conduct business and perform payments. Students represent the future of the society, therefore it’s of paramount importance for them to stay in line with emerging trends. The benefits listed in this article are just some of the many perks that Bitcoin provides. As time goes by, it’s certain that there will be even more benefits to come so make sure you keep up with the news and stay informed.


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