ICO launches data analytics toolkit

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is urging all organisations considering using data analytics on personal data to look at its new toolkit.

It is vital that data protection is built in from the start when using data analytics to process personal data. This is not only the law but it’s a crucial step to gaining public trust and confidence in the technology and how your organisation is using people’s data.

The ICO’s new toolkit takes organisations through some of the key data protection points they need to think about from the outset of any project they are planning to undertake involving data analytics and personal data.

It can be found at ico.org.uk/data-analytics-toolkit

The toolkit is part of the ICO’s AI priority work. The ICO has produced two pieces of guidance on AI – the explaining decisions made with AI guidance in partnership with the Alan Turing Institute, and the guidance on AI and data protection. This toolkit builds on these two foundational pieces and is designed to assist organisations navigate the challenges that AI systems may pose on individual rights.


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