Bitcoin Cash Merchant Directory Marco Coino Surpasses 500 Listings

Over the last year bitcoin cash adoption has been thriving and in certain regions, BCH merchants are spreading like wildfire. Thanks to a slew of cryptocurrency payment processors and people pressing for adoption there are thousands of BCH accepting merchants these days. One application called Marco Coino helps bitcoiners find BCH brick-and-mortar retailers on a global map and the platform now hosts over 500 known merchants.

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Finding Brick-and-Mortar Bitcoin Cash Merchants With Marco Coino

Getting merchants to accept bitcoin cash (BCH) and spreading global adoption is a big deal to a lot of digital asset proponents. For a while now, many retailers have been turned on to BCH because of enthusiasts spreading adoption, low fees, fast settlement and there’s also been a variety of payment processors helping progress the cause. With all the BCH accepting merchants popping up, one application called Marco Coino provides people with the means to find nearby merchants that accept bitcoin cash. The platform has been around for a few months now and has been steadily gaining more listings nearly every day. At the time of publication, there are 504 BCH accepting merchants located on the Marco Coino global map.

Bitcoin Cash Merchant Directory Marco Coino Surpasses 500 Listings
Marco Coino can be viewed in both ‘map’ and ‘satellite’ settings.

The Marco Coino application is available for mobile phones using Android and iOS and the platform has a desktop version as well. The desktop version explains the project is focused on “helping Bitcoin Cash become the global, instant, practically free payment network for everyday use by everyone around the world.” The Marco Coino map of the world can be viewed in ‘map’ or ‘satellite’ mode, but in order for the platform to use the user’s specific location, the owner has to approve the permissions using the operating system’s location services.

Bitcoin Cash Merchant Directory Marco Coino Surpasses 500 Listings
Users can submit a merchant to be added to the Marco Coino listings.

Bitcoin Cash Adoption Shines in Slovenia, Columbia, North Queensland, and Japan

Right now there are strong concentrations of merchants in the US, Europe, South America, Africa, and many countries in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Looking closer at the global map, people can see there are even more concentrated areas in places like Japan, North Queensland, Columbia, the east and west coasts of the United States, and a ton of merchants in Slovenia. In addition to the merchant map, Marco Coino users can also submit a specific retailer to be listed on the platform so users can easily find the location. The platform also has linking abilities where links can be tied to locations and places in Marco Coino.

Bitcoin Cash Merchant Directory Marco Coino Surpasses 500 Listings
Some of the most concentrated areas of BCH merchants worldwide include Japan, North Queensland, Columbia, and Slovenia.

The Marco Coino bitcoin cash merchant directory is very helpful when searching for physical locations that accept BCH for goods and services. The application’s list of merchants is regularly updated and users can literally see new merchants popping up in great number. The creator of Marco Coino, Brendon Duncan, explained to that most of the recent growth has stemmed from Slovenia and Colombia.

What do you think about the Marco Coino bitcoin cash merchant directory? Let us know your thoughts about this subject in the comments section below.

Images via Shutterstock, Marco Coino, Jamie Redman, and Pixabay.

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