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The price of Bitcoin has just hit an all time high. While some people are really excited about it, bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it, actually uses heaps of electricity – more than some entire countries. It’s got lots of people talking about its environmental impact. The technology relies on lots of computers working together to solve complex equations. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that as Bitcoin keeps rising in popularity, so does how much energy it takes.
A new study’s found in the last 6 months, Bitcoin’s total electricity use had doubled from around 65 terawatt hours a year to 129. That’s more electricity than New South Wales and Queensland use put together. It’s even more than some entire countries, like Argentina or the Netherlands. And some people have started to question if that’s a real problem because so much of our world’s power still comes from burning fossil fuels.
Now other crytocurrencies and NFTs that use Blockchain technology have received backlash, too. With one digital marketplace, ArtStation, abandoning plans to launch an NFT platform. So what’s the solution? Well, some want more to be done to make mining cleaner and greener. Including making blockchains more energy efficient and only using sustainable energy to mine it. But for the time being, this technology isn’t going anywhere.
China’s been hit with its worst sandstorm in a decade. Its capital, Beijing, has been absolutely covered in dark orange dust. It’s all because of strong winds blowing in from the Gobi desert and parts of north-western China. Flights have had to be cancelled, poor visibility’s slowed traffic right down and people have been told to stay inside if they can.
In South Korea you’ll find not one, but two islands, all decorated in a single colour and tourists can’t get enough of it. The houses, roads, bridges, fields even the rice here is purple! Purple, purple everywhere. Yeah, it’s impressive but you might be wondering – why? Well the tiny islands of Banwol and Bakji were picked for a tourism project by the South Korean government, who spent nearly $5.8 million turning the islands this vibrant hue to bring in tourists. It’s a colour inspired by their native flower called a balloon flower and the locals have really gotten on-board with the idea. The colour also represents love, especially if you’re a fan of K-Pop stars, BTS, who said the phrase “I purple you” meaning “I love you” to fans at a concert back in 2016. Since 2019 the tourism project has drawn in nearly half a million visitors who say the islands look magical and like a fairy tale. Which must be fun! Well, as long as you like purple.
Well the people have finally spoken! By people I mean the Academy of motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Yes that’s right, after a two month delay because of well you know, the 2021 Academy Award nominations have been announced! And just like every other year, I was snubbed again! Although I don’t feel too bad because there were no Aussies nominated this year. Netflix’s Mank, a film about the making of another film, led the way with 10 nominations and For the first two women have been nominated in the best director category! Oh and of course a bunch of your favourites made the cut for best animation! But you’ll have to wait until next month to find out who won!
Speaking of award-winning films, Avatar has reclaimed the crown for highest grossing film of all time! After losing the top spot in 2019 to Avengers Endgame, a re-release in China has put it right back on top earning a whopping 3.62 billion dollars at the box office. Marvel Studios seemed to take it all very graciously.
Look up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s a re cut of the 2017 film Justice League! Yep the DC Superhero film has undergone a makeover from its original director Zack Snyder. He never got to finish working on it, so someone else took over the project instead. This version is nearly twice as long and now that the first reviews coming in fans are pretty hyped!
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