Bitcoin News Summary – November 5, 2018

Here’s what happened this week in Bitcoin in 99 seconds.

Former US congressman and famous Libertarian, Ron Paul, advocated for the abolition of all taxation on cryptocurrencies. Paul said such a move may prevent recession. He also supported President Trump’s recent criticism of the Federal Reserve.

Venezuela’s state cryptocurrency, the Petro, was officially launched. However, reports indicate that only Petro certificates are currently being sold, not actual crypto coins.

South Korea’s central district court ruled that banks may not terminate partnerships with crypto exchanges without good reason. The country’s commissioner of Financial Services said that compliant exchanges will have no more problems with so-called virtual bank accounts.

The Bitcoin community celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the Bitcoin white paper’s publication. This groundbreaking document can be downloaded from

Wasabi Wallet for Bitcoin was finally released. This new wallet offers superior privacy, through built-in CoinJoin mixing, Tor network use, and other advanced features. The wallet is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Canadians were affected by the disappearance of the MapleChange exchange. About 2000 users have lost their Bitcoin or Litecoin as a result of a code exploit. Some suspect an exit scam. Other altcoins are being refunded by the exchange.

Finally, India’s Financial Stability and Development Council is considering a ban on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Indian exchanges are currently facing regulatory challenges but this ban would be a further clampdown on private crypto use in India.

That’s what happened this week in Bitcoin. See you next week.

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