Blockchain, Cobalt, Slavery… and Your Car (Electric or not)

▶ Coinbase Website:
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It’s pretty accepted by now that electric cars are better for the environment than internal combustion engine ones…. at least when it comes to energy use during their lifetime.

But when it comes to mining the materials those electric cars use in their batteries and motors, there are some pretty big questions over just where those materials come from — the environmental impact mining those materials have — and just who it was who mined the materials in the first place.

Until recently, unscrupulous businesses have exploited at worst or ignored at best human rights abuse in many countries around the world, as well as unsafe work conditions and a laissez faire attitude to environmental protections. But because those raw materials often change hands many many times before they get to the end user, it’s been easy for companies to plead ignorance or simply to be unaware of where their materials come from.

Now though, more companies than ever before are using BlockChain technology to end those accountability issues.

But what is Blockchain? What’s it got to do with raw materials? And isn’t it just for pirating music?

Watch the video above to find out more, support us with the provided links, and let us know what you think below — but remember to keep your comments civil!

Scripted and Presented by Kate Walton-Elliott
Animations: Erin Carlie
Produced: Transport Evolved

▶ Coinbase Website:
▶ CEX Website:

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