Blockchain in the Beltway, crypto at the Capitol | LIVE STREAM

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Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether are an established part of a newly dynamic monetary and financial environment. In many ways, cryptocurrencies and “DeFi” — decentralized financial services — fit into established regulatory regimes. But just as often, their distinct characteristics and foundation in the blockchain data structure make them category busters that policymakers will have to grapple with.

Join AEI’s Jim Harper for a discussion of the technology, its permutations, and the myriad policy implications they have. The event features remarks from former Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo and a panel of experts including Jerry Brito of Coin Center, Kara Calvert of Coinbase, and Miller Whitehouse-Levine of the DeFi Education Fund.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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▶ Coinbase Website:
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