Buy Bitcoin (BTC) Below $20k – Rich Dad Poor Dad Author

In summary:

  • Robert Kiyosaki has pointed out that buying Bitcoin below $20k might be a good idea
  • Mr. Kiyosaki forecasts that Bitcoin will hit $50k soon
  • He explains that institutional money is buying up the BTC in the markets
  • The American economy is in trouble and the future is in Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and Entrepreneurs
  • Bitcoin has refused to dip below $17k and is once again above $19k

The author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, Robert Kiyosaki, has expressed via Twitter, that he is glad he bought Bitcoin (BTC). According to Mr. Kiyosaki, Bitcoin will soon be valued at $50,000 due to an influx of institutional money.

Furthermore, buying Bitcoin below $20k would probably be a good idea given that the American economy is in trouble. Mr. Kiyosaki also pointed out that the future is bright for Gold, Silver, Bitcoin and entrepreneurs. His exact comments were as follows.

Glad I bought Bitcoin. Next stop $50 k. Wall of institutional money coming 2021. Buy below $20 k. If you missed Bitcoin, buy silver. Silver set to move due to AOC’s Green New Deal. America in trouble. Future bright for gold silver Bitcoin and entrepreneurs.

Bitcoin Refuses to Fall Below $17k, Confidently Retakes $19k

At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $19,300 after confirming a double bottom at the $17,500 price area on Friday, December 11th. Since then, Bitcoin has zoomed past multiple resistance zones including $18,000, $18,300, $18,500, $18,800, $19,000 and $19,100.

With the weekly close only a few hours away, a confident Bitcoin can close the week above the $19,000 price area for the first time in its history. If this is achieved, Bitcoin could very well be on a path towards retesting $19,500, $19,800 and even the 2017 all-time high value of $20k.

Is December 17th Bitcoin’s Lucky Day Again?

To note is that the previous all-time high was set on December 17th, 2017. It is therefore hard to ignore that December 17th is only 4 days away and Bitcoin could very well repeat history by hitting an all-time high on the same date, but only three years later.


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