Clever DeFi (CLVA): A Bitcoin-Beating Strategy of Building Wealth with Gas-Less Distribution of Yield

Clever people accrue wealth from passive income, capitalizing on interest payments. Crypto enables this, with Bitcoin being a prime example. 

However, times are changing. Savvy investors are moving to DeFi, where the middleman’s removal is transforming the way people make money and earn decent above-average yields.

What is Clever DeFi?

Take, for example, CLEVER DeFi

Fans are raving about its experienced, skilled team, an incredible product, and the opportunity of a lifetime. 

But there is more.

CLEVER is more about utility, yields, and, as the name insinuates, “clever” investment. Putting all descriptive elements of CLEVER into perspective, the goal is about ROI, Security, and Yield.

The DeFi protocol is fashioned in such a manner that the ordinary investor can earn decent yields every two weeks from a secure, audited protocol. The CLEVER platform rides on the DeFi wave. 

For perspective, especially for prospective investors testing DeFi waters, the sub-sphere has tremendously grown over the past few months. 

Year-to-date, for instance, DeFi in Ethereum alone is up over 45X, to a TVL of $44 billion, according to trackers. Better still, the space has the regulators’ attention. The widespread adoption of DeFi, a CFTC official said, could prop the global economy during tumultuous periods.

In DeFi, there is no mediator—and thus low costs, expeditious delivery, and better efficiency. The CLEVER DeFi leverages this to automatically distribute interest payments to all CLVA interest holders on a pre-programmed routine cycle over 888 fortnightly cycles taking exactly 34.15 years to complete. 

Superior Compound Interests and ROI for investors

During any of these cycles, up-to 11 percent in compound interest is dispensed in a Gas-less environment with guaranteed automatic payment to all CLVA token holders. For clarity, CLVA is the project’s native currency. 

Unlike in the traditional way of doing things, CLVA holders don’t have to hassle themselves with staking, farming, or pouring their assets into untested vaults. Instead, the classic crypto investment strategy of HODLing comes to play. 

CLVA token holders just HODL using the protocol’s official wallet and earn special interest every two weeks.

The keyword here for serious investors is CLVA and 888 Fortnightly cycles. If anything, 34.15 years is a long time. It is especially long in crypto, where activities happen in a flash.

From the above statement, it means CLVA is key as a means of preserving and increasing wealth. 

This is a perfect opportunity for investors to not only earn superior yields from their assets–especially when the FED and central banks can’t help but hit the money printers, but also to beat high inflation, preserving and increasing their wealth.

An Investor’s Haven: Security, better ROI, and Transparency

In 34.15 years or the 888 fortnightly cycles, 9,519,539 CLVA tokens will be dispensed via a Decentralized Dynamic Mechanism (DDM). The supply may be high, but the designing team had in consideration the distribution time of over 34 years, during which holders earn on average 11 percent of compounded interest. 

Over months, this translates to a superior ROI, exceeding gains that one can potentially make from Bitcoin—the project has mechanisms to outperform the world’s most valuable project consistently and incomparably to the paltry yields from banks.

Like in any investment, initial capital determines profitability. For instance, the first annual yield of a 500 CLVA investment is around 1,535 CLVA. On the other hand, those who buy and HODL more also earn more. Over the first ten years, CLVA yields are over 800 percent, as per their projections.

The CLVA token is deployed via verifiable fundamentals and a validated preset structure guaranteeing global adoption over the 888 cycles. Most importantly, in the spirit of fairness of which crypto and DeFi embodies, the team didn’t mint or assign tokens for themselves. Consequently, early adopters of Clever need not worry about price dumps. 

The CLVA minting started at zero supply. In place of this, the CLVA pricing is on organic price discovery defined by market forces. In addition to this, all CLEVER protocol activities are on-chain, meaning better Transparency—a trait desirable for investors. 

Presently, the CLVA token is trading at $8.15 from a total supply of 566,745 CLVA tokens ahead of their second cycle, where a six percent interest would be paid. 

CLVA minting ended on Mar 3. Moreover, CLVA at Uniswap and P2PB2B exchange provide another opportunity for CLVA token holders to provide liquidity, earning more CLVA rewards. They can use the same to earn more profits. 

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