Cointext Cofounder Unveils BFP Encrypt – Send Encrypted Data to Bitcoin Cash Addresses

‘Bull Run May Not Come Immediately After Bitcoin Halving,’ Says Bitmain’s Jihan Wu

Bitmain cofounder Jihan Wu’s recent interview discusses some of his predictions concerning the future of bitcoin, mining, the bitcoin halving, and the cryptoconomy. Despite the coronavirus outbreak and its effect on the global economy, Wu is optimistic and he believes … read more.

Free from Tron: Steemit’s Blockchain Fork Hive Outperforms Steem Token Value

Free from Tron: Steemit’s Blockchain Fork Hive Outperforms Steem Token Value

For weeks now, the cryptocurrency community has been fervently discussing the recent acquisition of the Steemit blockchain. Skeptics believe that the Tron takeover has shown significant vulnerabilities with delegated-proof-of-stake (DPoS) projects. Following the takeover, the community still managed to fork … read more.

In-Between Bitcoin Halvings: Analyst Proves Bitcoin's Price Not Bound to 4-Year Cycles

In-Between Bitcoin Halvings: Analyst Proves Bitcoin’s Price Not Bound to 4-Year Cycles

Crypto traders and analysts have always looked to the halvings for some kind of clues in order to predict the future price of bitcoin. A number of traders also think that BTC price movements shift every four years and speculators … read more.

Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data

Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data

Microsoft has patented a cryptocurrency mining system that leverages human activities, including brain waves and body heat, when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chatbots, and reading ads. “A user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,” the … read more.

Latest Wallet Release Features Live Charts and Price Tracking

Latest Wallet Release Features Live Charts and Price Tracking

This week, our developers rolled out the latest version of the lightning-fast, noncustodial Wallet. The new version now comes with live price graphs so crypto enthusiasts can follow crypto price changes in real-time. Moreover, the wallet software also features … read more.

IMF Says Recession Is Here, 80 Countries Request Help, Trillions of Dollars Needed

IMF Declares Global Recession, 80 Countries Request Help, Trillions of Dollars Needed

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared that we have entered a global recession — one that is as bad as or worse than the previous global financial crisis. 80 countries have already requested emergency assistance from the IMF. Meanwhile, … read more.

Bitcoin Mining Roundup: BTC Regains 100 Exahash, Miners Close Shop, Pre-Halving Shake-Up

Bitcoin Mining Roundup: BTC Regains 100 Exahash, Miners Close Shop, Pre-Halving Shake-Up

In 44 days, BTC miners will face the third reward halving as the block subsidy will soon shrink from 12.5 to 6.25 coins per block. Following the market carnage in mid-March, BTC’s hashrate plummeted 44% to a 2020 low of … read more.

Egypt Limits Bank and ATM Withdrawals Citing Rampant Cash Outflow and Coronavirus Fears

Egypt Limits Bank and ATM Withdrawals Citing Rampant Cash Outflow and Coronavirus Fears

On Sunday, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) announced it had instructed financial institutions in the country to put withdrawal limits in place for cash. Regional reports disclose that Egyptian residents can only withdraw 10,000 Egyptian pounds ($640) and businesses … read more.

Stablecoin Market Caps Swell Over $7 Billion – Volumes Surpass Most Trading Pairs

While most digital assets have been suffering, stablecoins have been surging since the market downturn in mid-March and tether (USDT) is capturing more than 70% of BTC trades today. Besides tether, a wide range of other dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies have also … read more.

23 Approved Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan — Number Rises Amid Pandemic

23 Approved Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Japan — Number Rises Despite Pandemic

Despite the global coronavirus pandemic, Japan continues to approve more cryptocurrency exchanges to legally operate in the country. The latest one was approved on Monday, bringing the total number of legal crypto exchanges in Japan to 23. Also read: 2x … read more.

Porn Industry Thrives During Lockdown: These Sites Accept Cryptocurrencies

Porn Industry Thrives During Lockdown — These Sites Are Cryptocurrency-Friendly

Porn sites have been experiencing increased traffic as the number of people under lockdown or quarantine rises due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many of these sites accept cryptocurrencies, including Pornhub. The popular porn site currently offers residents of some countries … read more.

The Crypto Industry’s $400M Cash and Stock Deal - Binance to Acquire

The Crypto Industry’s $400M Cash and Stock Deal – Binance to Acquire

The popular cryptocurrency exchange Binance is allegedly in talks with the owners of in hopes of purchasing the website for $400 million. People familiar with the matter explained the acquisition will be announced this week and could be one … read more.

Bitcoin Halving Capitulation: 'Mining Death Spirals’ Don't Happen in Real Life,' Says Report

Bitcoin Halving Capitulation: ‘Mining Death Spirals Don’t Happen in Real Life,’ Says Report

As the bitcoin halving approaches, crypto-mining ‘death spirals’ and miner capitulation have become prominent topics among digital currency enthusiasts. Despite the trending discussions, Coinshares head of research Christopher Bendiksen published a study that says “[bitcoin] mining death spirals do not … read more.

Bitcoin Revolution: Wanna Earn $1,000 a Day? Government Warns About This Scam

Bitcoin Revolution: Wanna Earn $1,000 a Day? Government Warns About This Scam

A cryptocurrency investment scheme called Bitcoin Revolution has recently garnered interest worldwide with its claim that investors could easily earn over $1,000 a day. They could even become millionaires within 61 days using the Bitcoin Revolution app. However, this is … read more.

Film Reels and Steel: Github Plans to Archive Bitcoin Code for 1,000 Years

Film Reels and Steel: Github Plans to Archive Bitcoin Code for 1,000 Years

The Microsoft subsidiary, Github recently revealed the “Archive Program,” an initiative that aims to preserve open source technologies for 1,000 years. The newly launched effort plans to store snapshots of open source technology 250 meters underground on the Norwegian island … read more.

Major Swedish Bank Fined $386 Million USD for Hiding Money-Laundering Evidence

Major Swedish Bank Fined $386 Million for Hiding Money-Laundering Evidence

Sweden’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA), ’Finansinspektionen’, has fined Swedbank a record sum of 4 billion Swedish krona ($386M) for breaching anti-money laundering regulations on a large scale. Around $5.8 billion had been funneled between suspected accounts in Swedbank and Danske … read more.

The Many Facts Pointing to Wei Dai Being Satoshi

The Many Facts Pointing to Wei Dai Being Satoshi

Satoshi Nakamoto has been an enigma for well over a decade and there’s been a number of suspects and self-styled Bitcoin inventors. One particular suspect is the computer engineer Wei Dai, the creator of the b-money system and the Crypto++ … read more.

Coronavirus Fuels P2P Connectivity: Crypto-Driven Meshnet Gives Rural Towns Internet

While the coronavirus wreaks havoc on the economy across the U.S., a number of the 1,737 residents from Clatskanie, Oregon can’t obtain an internet service provider (ISP). The situation has motivated the town to adopt a decentralized meshnet ISP called … read more.

Spain's Tax Authority Sending Notices to 66,000 Cryptocurrency Owners

Spain’s Tax Authority Sending Notices to 66,000 Cryptocurrency Owners

The Spanish tax authority has reportedly started sending notices to about 66,000 cryptocurrency owners in the country. This number represents a massive increase from the 14,700 tax letters the agency sent to crypto owners last year. The letters will continue … read more.

Tiger King's Archnemesis Big Cat Rescue Accepts Bitcoin

Tiger King’s Archnemesis Big Cat Rescue Accepts Bitcoin

The number one show on Netflix in the U.S. right now is a television series called “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness,” and American audiences are eating it up like candy. While the docuseries costar Joseph Maldonado, aka “Joe Exotic,” … read more.

Merchant Services, Gambling, and Darknets: Coronavirus Economy Stunts Cryptocurrency Spending

Merchant Services, Gambling, and Darknets: Coronavirus Economy Stunts Cryptocurrency Spending

A lot has changed since the coronavirus pandemic swept the globe as it has caused a wide range of negative effects on the world’s economy. On March 30, the blockchain surveillance firm Chainalysis published a report that shows how the … read more.

Cointext Cofounder Unveils BFP Encrypt - Send Encrypted Data to Bitcoin Cash Addresses

Cointext Cofounder Unveils BFP Encrypt – Send Encrypted Data to Bitcoin Cash Addresses

Vin Armani, the cofounder of Cointext, has announced the launch of a Javascript library that allows people to send encrypted data to addresses on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network. A BCH private key can decrypt the data, and when Armani … read more.


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