▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io
Learning by doing:
1. Memahami apa dan bagaimana itu pi network
2. Memahami ekosystem pi network
3. Memahami Pi Chain mall
4. Tutorial cara menerima migrasi coin
5. Mengenal nicolass
6. Mengenal cengdiao fan
7. Memahami nilai coin pi
8. Tutorial pi network tuk pemula
9. Mengenal blockchain
10. Cara hitung aset crypto
11. Tentang Gas Fee
12. Tentang pi network dan StartX, amazon
13. Tentang iklan dalam aplikasi dan validitas data pi website
14. Pi network dan global economic
15. Pi dan regulasi indonesia
Part 1 =
Part 2 =
Part 3 =
16. Pi Network White Paper
Part 1 =
Part 2 =
Psrt 3 =
Part 4 =
Part 5 =
17. Roadmap
Part 1 =
Part 2 =
18. Paradigma 10 Logika memahami Pi network dalam fakta
19. Endclose mainnet
20. Pi network adalah hybrid ecology
21. Info Utilitas Pi Network
22. Info Mainnet dan ciri cirinya
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▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io
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