Crypto Daily News | Twitter Considers Blockchain Technology

In today’s edition of crypto daily news, we’ll look at a new survey that shows that 80% of Americans have heard of Bitcoin, as well as at the details of Twitter looking in blockchain technology.

Crypto Daily News: September 6th, 2018

Survey Shows 80% of Americans Know about Bitcoin

Published today by the polling firm YouGov, a new poll shows that just under 50 percent of millennials in the US are interested in using digital currencies as a primary form of payment. This would be opposed to using the US Dollar.

The company released its latest poll that asked 1,202 Americans about their interest and familiarity with crypto. According to the data, 71 percent of individuals said they have heard of Bitcoin, and 79 percent said they have heard of at least one form of cryptocurrency. 13 percent of the individuals in the study say they’ve never heard of either.

The release said:

“Although relatively few people have any immediate plans to buy Bitcoin, more than one-third (36 percent) of people think that cryptocurrencies will become widely accepted as a means of transaction for legal purchases within the next 10 years. Millennials (44 percent) are the most likely of any age group to say cryptocurrency will be widely accepted. About one-third (34 percent) of Gen X’ers and 29 percent of baby boomers agreed.”

Twitter and Blockchain

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, testified before a Congressional committee yesterday and stated that his company is currently exploring blockchain technology for potential application to its platform.

Dorsey had to answer questions about Twitter’s transparency and accountability at the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

The Twitter CEO told the committee:

“Blockchain is one that I think has a lot of untapped potential, specifically around distributed trust and distributed enforcement potentially […] We haven’t gone as deep as we’d like just yet in understanding how we might apply this technology to the problems we’re facing at Twitter, but we do have people within the company thinking about it today.”

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Following his two meetings at Capitol Hill yesterday, Dorsey responded with a long Twitter thread:

You can view the whole thread if you clink the tweet above. It seems Twitter’s CEO is taking the Twitter scams seriously and is looking into the implementation of blockchain into Twitter to help solve this issue. While many scam accounts have been removed, many still remain and continue to be a nuisance to the crypto community.

Check back in for more Crypto Daily News.

Featured Image: Depositphotos/© aa-w

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