Hoskinson: Partnership With SingularityNET is a Chance For Cardano to Become The Best

AI firm SingularityNET today announced a partnership deal with Cardano. Previously, SingularityNET operated exclusively on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, many have taken the news as a significant blow for Ethereum stakeholders.

However, SingularityNET CEO Dr. Ben Goertzel said it was always in the plan to make SingularityNET multi-chain. While Ethereum does have scaling and cost issues, Goertzel made it clear that, at this stage, he is still working with both blockchains.

“What I want to do is make SingularityNET platform infrastructure multi-chain. We had that in our minds from the very beginning. Right now it’s all on Ethereum… but it doesn’t all have to be on one blockchain… some of the AGI tokens will remain on Ethereum, and some migrates to Cardano.”

Nonetheless, Goertzel still laid out his expectations for performance and technological development. Meaning, underperformance from either chain would see a migration away from that chain.

“how much remains on Ethereum and how much goes to Cardano, that’s for the community and the market to decide, right? If the Cardano portion works much much better then everything should migrate there. If it turns out the Ethereum portion is more useful for some purposes, then so be it.”

Goertzel’s Vision is to Democratize AI

In the first instance, moving a portion of SingularityNET tokens to Cardano would benefit the firm by way of greater efficiency and cost-savings.

But it’s really the fulfillment of the company’s long term goals that Goertzel is most concerned with.

On that, Goertzel spoke of the synergy between both companies, in that they both strive to operate via formal verification and the scientific method. Going deeper, Goertzel gave a glimpse of his vision by describing an automated reasoning system running on Cardano.

“I would love to see automated theorum provers running in SingularityNET, and leveraging the SingularityNET decentralized AI network. I’d love to see these decentralized AI-based automated theorum provers put to work, verifying smart contracts running on Cardano and verifying Cardano infrastructure code.”

However, the ultimate goal is to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI), capable of understanding and learning, that runs on a decentralized global network.

This is in stark contrast to big tech’s vision, which is centralized and infers a societal control element via the involvement of alphabet agencies.

Instead, Goertzel believes AI should be peer-to-peer. He sees individual developers and small groups creating cooperative AI agents to serve users.

Technical Demands of SingularityNET Will Drive Cardano Development

In response, Hoskinson said it’s the needs of the partnering firms that will help to shape the Cardano ecosystem.

“We look to our partners and say, well what do you guys need? Where do you want to go? What type of marketplaces do you want to be involved in? And how can we help build this technology together, and make that consumable infrastructure grow with you?”

All the same, Hoskinson is cognizant of the difficulties, both business and technical, in bringing Goertzel’s vision to life.

The challenge is difficult. But Hoskinson states that it’s exactly these types of demands that will drive Cardano to be better than the rest.

Cardano daily chart YTD with volume. (Source: tradingview.com)


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