Humanitarian Blockchain Project – Episode 1

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We believe each life matters.

Using blockchain technology will be able to distribute tokenized medication vouchers upon the registration of beneficiaries using Aldonic platform would be able to give beneficiaries electronic QP codes that will be used as a wallet identifier. Using these QR codes, they will be able to visit the pharmacies and scan this QR code to get the medication there.

Every transaction between Medair, the service providers, and the beneficiaries is captured within the blockchain, and it’s open for the world to see. So being able to trace each step creates a higher level of transparency. Within the humanitarian community, we make a lot of transactions on a daily basis, where transactions with donors, we’re transacting with the affected population, we’re transacting with vendors in the middle, and all of these transactions are complex. We would hope that we can make some of these transactions more transparent so that donors understand exactly what’s happening with their money so that affected populations understand why they are getting what they are getting.

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