Huobi on Alleged EOS ‘Mutual Voting’ Scandal: ‘No Financial Contracts Involved’

Chinese cryptocurrency exchange Huobi has responded to accusations it has “colluded” with EOS on “mutual voting” practices, Tuesday, October 2.

In a brief statement, the exchange said an investigation into the allegations which Cointelegraph reported on October 1 was “still ongoing.”

“Based on the initial investigation, there were no financial contracts involved between Huobi and any third party,” the statement reads.

“The investigation is still on-going [sic] and therefore, we seek your patience and co-operation [sic] in this matter.”

On Monday, Block.One, the parent company of the EOS platform, had issued a statement of its own saying it “was aware” several parties had levelled accusations of voting process manipulation at certain participants. Block.One called the claims “unverified.”

“We believe it is important to ensure a free and democratic election process within EOS and may, as we deem appropriate, vote with other holders to reinforce the integrity of this process,” the statement read.

The EOS voting process had previously come under fire from cryptocurrency community figures, among them Ethereum (ETC) co-founder Vitalik Buterin, who had warned about the potential for manipulation last year.

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