Kelly Clarkson Divorce Proves Men Can Be Gold-Diggers Too

This is an opinion.

  • Kelly Clarkson is currently in the middle of a divorce from her soon-to-be ex-husband, Brandon Blackstock.
  • Blackstock is seeking more than $400,000/month in spousal support.
  • Aside from the improbability of being able to spend $400,000 a month, this is proof that men, too, can be gold-diggers.

Kelly Clarkson married a gold digger.

There’s really no other way to put it.

As her fans know, she’s in the middle of a divorce from Brandon Blackstock, her husband of nearly seven years. Yesterday, Blackstock — who also served as Clarkson’s manager — filed papers in court demanding more than $400,000 a month in spousal support, plus more than $2 million in attorney’s fees.

Um. What?

Brandon Blackstock Wants How Much From Kelly Clarkson?

Since these numbers are absolutely gob-smacking — how can you even spend that much a month? Are you helicoptering around the world? Do you own a Tesla yacht? Are you going to the moon? What is it? — we’ll leave it to E! News to tell you the story:

E! News can confirm from a source that Blackstock is requesting $436,000 a month in child and spousal support amid the pair’s ongoing divorce proceedings. Clarkson filed for divorce from her husband in June after nearly seven years of marriage. On Nov. 19, the 38-year-old singer won temporary primary physical custody of the couple’s two children, daughter River Rose, 6, and son Remington Alexander, 4.

So just so we all understand one another: Brandon Blackstock wants money for both spousal and child support from Kelly Clarkson…and he doesn’t even have custody of the children he wants support for.

I believe it was Kanye West who said it best in the video below.

This Is Why You Need To Be Careful, Ladies

Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that Kelly Clarkson was on her way to divorce court.

And, apparently, according to a legal expert, there’s some precedent for this ridiculous demand from Blackstock. According to Kelly Chang Rickert, this is actually quite common in California.

California has one of the highest guideline supports in all 50 states, it’s based off income. So yes, depending on Kelly’s salary (which should be in the millions), his request sounds about right. You can still get child support if you don’t have majority of the kids, if the other sides income is far, far greater. He basically got her financials, plugged it in and is asking for the guideline and he’s going to get it because the guideline in California is extremely high. He doesn’t have to justify it because it doesn’t matter because it’s guidelines.

Rickert also says that while Kelly Clarkson will be paying alimony for three-and-a-half years (half of the time that they were married), she will be paying child support until the youngest child turns 18 years old.

Kelly Clarkson
Well, that’s one way to put it. | Source: Twitter

Ladies, let this be a lesson to you. I completely understand that love makes you do crazy things. We’ve all been there — present company included.

But when you reach a certain age — and, frankly, a certain financial bracket — you need to be extra careful with whom you choose to get involved with. If a man is working but not making millions of dollars, that’s okay — but if a man is bumming around the house, eating your food, and playing XBox all day while you go out and go to work, that’s not okay.

Because, as Kelly Clarkson proved, that same man will then turn around and demand that you pay him to maintain a lifestyle you got him used to if you get divorced.

And above all else, ladies, take Kanye West’s advice (for once), and holler “we want pre-nup!”

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of


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