Learn How to Create BCH Apps With Bitcoin.com’s Developer Platform

Are you a professional or a hobbyist programmer and want to create cryptocurrency enabled applications? Bitcoin.com’s Developer Platform offers resources for you to learn how to develop software based on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) network.

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Learn to Code With Bitcoin Cash

If you want to start creating BCH-powered projects, Bitcoin.com’s Developer Platform has everything you need to get going. The portal’s educational section offer tutorials with real world examples and step by step instructions on how to build Bitcoin Cash applications from scratch, as well as insights from developers who have already implemented their visions into code.

The platform also features the full Mastering Bitcoin Cash guide, based on the Creative Commons licensed book “Mastering Bitcoin” written by Andreas Antonopoulos. It covers fundamental subjects such as what bitcoin cash is, how it works, and the various public and private keys, addresses, and wallets related to the system. Additionally, readers will learn about the network and blockchain, transactions, mining and consensus, and bitcoin cash security.

Learn How to Create BCH Apps With Bitcoin.com’s Developer Platform

Once you are ready to start creating real projects, the Developer Platform offers a variety of tools for you to use. These include a fully featured javascript framework for address conversions, transactions and more called Bitbox, as well as Badger which lets you integrate your app with with the BCH blockchain in the easiest way possible. Additionally, the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) empowers you to issue tokens based on the network.

The tool set on the platform will soon expand beyond those currently available. Cloud will be offering blockchain-as-a-service infrastructure to deploy apps with an ecosystem of add-ons, and Market will feature paid downloads, streaming media, in-app purchases, tokens and other ways to monetize projects.

What do you think about the developer platform? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock.

Verify and track bitcoin cash transactions on our BCH Block Explorer, the best of its kind anywhere in the world. Also, keep up with your holdings, BCH and other coins, on our market charts at Bitcoin.com Markets, another original and free service from Bitcoin.com.

Avi Mizrahi

Avi Mizrahi is an economist and entrepreneur who has been covering Bitcoin as a journalist since 2013. He has spoken about the promise of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology at numerous financial conferences around the world, from London to Hong-Kong.


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