Learn Process Mining – Today!

▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

Process mining is most definitely part of the 20% of analytics that drive 80% of ROI. If you aren’t familiar with process mining, it provides tools to mine events logs for new insights into the business. In particular, process mining is awesome for finding out what is really going on in the business.

As an aspiring analytics and data science professional you would be well-served by investing time in learning process mining. I’ve personally used process mining in many scenarios in my analytics roles at Schedulicity and Microsoft.

Process mining is a unique data analysis technique that you can used in a broad number of scenarios – because event logs are everywhere, including hiding inside relational databases!

Oh, and when you combine process mining with process behavior charts you can take your data science to the next level.

What are you waiting for, learn it today!


* The single best Coursera class I have ever taken:

* Great intro class (less technical than the Coursera course), get on the waitlist:

* The definitive book:

* My Meetup talk on the subject:

▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

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