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Lightning Ridge is famous for its rare and absurdly expensive black opal!
Today we return to the famous fields to hunt for this elusive stone!
We were presented with the opportunity to come along for the day with local Ben Moses of New Breed Opals, to check out and dig a newly purchased claim.
Jc has since returned from his secret project which has been filming a new spin off tv series and we are glad to have him along for the adventure!
We set out from the town driving about an hour away down the dirt, we met up at the claim and headed underground.
Right away I can see the difference in the ground and the crazy root systems descending from the roof!
We roamed over the mine digging small pockets into existing tunnels. A few areas proved successful and we uncovered a small quantity of good quality opal!
In total I’d guess the haul for the day was around three to four thousand dollars.
I hope you all enjoyed the video please leave us a comment and tell us what you would like to see more or less of.
If you wish to support us by purchasing Opal feel free to check out our Etsy store, simply click on the link below.
Each opal we sell keeps us out here digging and helps us dedicate more time to creating content!
Etsy –
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New Breed Opals:
If you would like to support Ben Mosses and purchase opal including the opal seen in this video head over to the New Breed Opals Facebook page:
› groupsNEW BREED OPALS | Facebook
Social Media Links:
Elaura Sullivan:
Contact Us:
Email: Jaymin.sullivan@yahoo.com
Jaymin Sullivan
P.O. Box 537
White Cliffs
About Us:
Our names are Jaymin Sullivan, James Caruana and Noah Mcdonough we are the ‘Young Guns’ Opal Mining Crew from Discovery Channel tv show ‘Outback Opal Hunters.’
Our love for treasure hunting led us to quit our jobs and move to the desert in search of precious Australian Opal!
It’s a bad day to be a rock!
▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io
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