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This weekend it was reported that a new Nintendo Switch game release was MINING CRYPTOCURRENCY SECRETLY!? With the gamers Switches. Let’s find out what happened and other recent mining news! Sub to VoskCoin –
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Pretty exciting news when you’re a Nintendo Switch gamer and a cryptocurrency miner to hear that a new Nintendo Switch game release, Cooking Mama, was apparently secretly mining a cryptocurrency blockchain with gamers Switches. Reports flew in that everyone’s Nintendo Switches were overheating because of a secret code and miner were built into the Cooking Mama game causing them to mine crypto and thus overheat?! In addition to the crazy Nintendo Switch mining rumors, ProgPoW discussion is heating up yet again. Ravencoin RVN has ProgPoW on their testnet, and project Veil has ProgPoW on their devnet, and Zcoin XZC is interested in changing their MTP minign algorithm to ProgPoW as well, but they are requesting help from the creator OhGodAGirl Kristy Minehan. Bitmain has also patched the Bitmain Antminer E3 Ethereum ASIC miners, so these Antminer E3’s can now mine Ethereum again, even though the ETH DAG file size is larger than they were ever anticipated to be able to mine! Oh and VoskCoin launched the VoskCoinTalk cryptocurrency and blockchain forum.. super cool right?!
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Zcoin, Ravencoin, and Veil want ProgPoW –
Bitmain Antminer E3 mining Ethereum 2020 –
Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash Bitcoin SV block reward halving –
Ravencoin RVN progpow debate testnet –
Nintendo Switch Cooking Mama mining cryptocurrency –
Nintendo Switch CPU mining specs –
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#NintendoSwitch #CookingMama #Mining #VoskCoin #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Ethereum #Bitcoin #halving
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