PlayStation Veteran Piles On to Tease Demon’s Souls PS5 Launch

  • Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida cryptically teases Demon’s Souls PS5 launch slate berth, aided by The Game Awards’ Geoff Keighley.
  • The Bluepoint Games-led remake received certification from the South Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee last month.
  • The only other first-party Sony game certified by the body is confirmed launch title Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Shuhei Yoshida, Sony’s ever-affable former Worldwide Studios head turned indie dev chief, is no stranger to toying with fans, illustrated by a history of embedding his social media activity with cryptic hints. His latest outing on Twitter may have provided a further indication that the Bluepoint Games-helmed Demon’s Souls remake has a spot on Sony’s PS5 launch line-up.

In a tweet promoting the latest PS5 advertising spot – a reasonably customary lending hand you’d expect from an executive pitching in to help promote the company’s latest flagship product – Yoshida exclaimed his excitement at the prospect of playing Demon’s Souls on PS5.

Does Geoff Keighley know something we do? | Source: Twitter

There’s nothing untoward or out of the ordinary here, though host-for-hire and The Game Awards boss, Geoff Keighley responded with the tweet above, sending onlookers on a mad scramble to dig out their sleuthing caps. Does Keighley know something we don’t about Demon’s Souls?

Yoshida followed through with yet another tweet that further heightened the speculation. In response to a Twitter user noting that the PS5 line-up is ‘looking hot,’ Yoshida produced an unassuming yet highly suggestive smiley face emoji.

Demon's Souls
Shuhei Yoshida back to his teasing best. | Source: Twitter

Demon’s Souls Korean Rating Board Certification

Out of context, this may seem like a fruitless exercise in clutching as straws. Yet, last month news emerged that the South Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee has certified Demon’s Souls, stamping it with the official seal of approval required for release in the country.

The only other announced first-party PS5 game to receive certification from the South Korean body is confirmed launch title Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, suggesting Sony’s carved out a similar launch berth for Demon’s Souls.

The certification, allied to Yoshida’s latest Twitter antics, raise hopes that this could indeed be the case. As has become all too customary in this peculiar, drawn-out next-gen reveal, Sony maintains its cards close to the chest; we still don’t know much about the PS5’s launch line-up. Hopefully, Yoshida’s suggestive tweets mean we’ll be hearing more soon.


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