Shapeshift’s CEO about Vitalik Buterin: “Ethereum Is Better Because He’s Involved.”

Erik Vorhees

In a short conversation with Ran Neuner, host of CNBC’s Crypto Trader, Eric Vorhees, CEO of ShapeShift shared his views on the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. According to Vorhees, there are many exciting things in the crypto-verse, beyond the pure speculation that many people tend to focus on:

“Whenever I come to these events, I get reminded about the actual interesting work that’s happening. In the normal social media, there is always a lot of hype, and you can never see what’s real, but you come to an event, and you see a thousand super talented people all working together on really cool problems, and it reminds you why we are here”.

Eric Vorhees: Blockchain Industry Builds The Future Of Finance

When Mr. Neuner asked him whether he shared the concerns of many people who speculated about Ethereum being scalable or not, Vorhees noted that while he remains optimistic about Ethereum, any outcome will be positive for the evolution of the community:

“Yeah, I mean it’ll either happen, or people will move to other blockchains and other cryptos, and that’s fine too. I mean this is a hyper-competitive industry where people are building the future of finance, and there’s plenty of incentive in all directions… All engineering overcomes challenges that are in front of it.”

Vorhees and Neuner talked about the future of Ethereum as a global platform since the conversation came just after a conference by Vitalik Buterin on Ethereum 2.0.

Vorhees commented that he “absolutely” believes that Ethereum could become the “main chain.” For Shapeshift’s CEO, the fact that Ethereum has the most developers may be the leading cause to make Ethereum the blockchain par excellence for dApps creation in the future.

Ethereum is Better Because Vitalik Buterin Is Involved

Vorhees accepts the influence of Vitalik Buterin not only on the Ethereum ecosystem but the crypto ecosystem in general. However, he is sure that without him, the crypto-verse would continue to evolve although with some setbacks.

“Obviously he is a point of centralization, but if Vitalik got hit by a bus and disappeared, would Ethereum go away? No, I mean it would get cut in half in price for

a month or so but Vitalik doesn’t run Ethereum, he doesn’t control it. He’s just a major influence, and he’s a brilliant person. So, Ethereum is better because he’s involved.”

He concluded by stressing his optimistic outlook that cryptocurrencies will be massively adopted in the future but pointed out that it is a “gradual” process. As with the Internet, the public needs to adapt and feel comfortable with the use of these new technologies.

Full interview available here:

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