Russia Adopts Bill Aimed to Provide Domestic Crypto Legislation in Second Reading

Russia’s parliament has adopted in the second reading the bill “On Digital Financial Assets,” aimed at formulating national cryptocurrency legislation, according to a statement published on the parliament’s website on Tuesday, March 5. The State Duma, Russia’s parliament, has adopted amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on digital rights, which provides a regulatory framework in the field of the digital economy. The bill, “On Digital Financial Assets” — approved in a first reading by the State Duma back in May — has given rise to a lot…

PayPal Originally Aimed to Create Global Currency Similar to Crypto, Co-Founder Admits

PayPal’s co-founder Luke Nosek has said that his firm initially wanted to create a digital currency that would be independent from banks and governments, similar to crypto. The video of his comments was uploaded to crypto streaming service Bloxlive.Tv on Thursday, Jan. 31. At a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week, Nosek was asked whether PayPal or WeChat Pay, an in-app payment system used by the major Chinese messenger, have already solved various problems related to online transactions, or whether cryptocurrencies can also solve those…

Japan’s new ICO regulations aimed at protecting investors

Any Japanese business wanting to raise funds using ICOs or token sales will reportedly first have to be licensed by the country’s financial regulator apan has long been considered one of the most crypto friendly countries in the world. That reputation started to grow early last year when it legalized digital currencies while many of its neighbors were working on outlawing them. Over the weekend it was reported by Jiji Press that Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) is ready to introduce new initial coin offering (ICO) regulations to ensure greater investor protection.…