A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner 31 July 2019 One of the defining trends of the digital age has been a growing awareness of data protection rights. More people are becoming aware of the personal data that sits at the centre of so many of the online services we access, and realising their own rights with regard to that data. But what aspects of data protection cause the most concern? That was one of the questions covered in our recent annual track survey, a detailed look at how people…
Tag: Blog
Blog: Live facial recognition technology – data protection law applies
A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner 9 July 2019 Any organisation using software that can recognise a face amongst a crowd then scan large databases of people to check for a match in a matter of seconds, is processing personal data. For the past year, South Wales Police and the Met Police have been trialling live facial recognition (LFR) technology that uses this software, in public spaces, to identify individuals at risk or those linked to a range of criminal activity – from violent crime to less serious offences.…
Blog: Live facial recognition technology – data protection law applies
A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner 9 July 2019 Any organisation using software that can recognise a face amongst a crowd then scan large databases of people to check for a match in a matter of seconds, is processing personal data. For the past year, South Wales Police and the Met Police have been trialling live facial recognition (LFR) technology that uses this software, in public spaces, to identify individuals at risk or those linked to a range of criminal activity – from violent crime to less serious offences.…
Blog: Cookies – what does ‘good’ look like?
3 July 2019 By Ali Shah, Head of Technology Policy Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect last May, there has been a great deal of interest in how it applies to cookies and similar technologies. Cookies can seem a complex issue. The rules on their use are in the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), not the GDPR. However, some of PECR’s key concepts now come from the GDPR – such as the standard of consent. Today, we’ve published new guidance on the use of cookies.…
Blog: Supporting people accessing their data from the police
25 June 2019 By Suzanne Gordon, Director of Data Protection Complaints and Compliance Anyone in the UK has the legal right to find out what information is held about them by organisations and ask for a copy free of charge within one calendar month. This is known as a subject access request (SAR). Accessing personal data in this way has always been a cornerstone of data protection, strengthened last year by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018). As people become more aware of…
Blog: ICO Adtech update report published following industry engagement
20 June 2019 By Simon McDougall, Executive Director for Technology and Innovation In recent months we’ve been reviewing how personal data is used in real time bidding (RTB) in programmatic advertising, engaging with key stakeholders directly and via our fact-finding forum event to understand the views and concerns of those involved. Today we’re publishing our Update report into adtech and real time bidding which summarises our findings so far. We have focused on RTB due to its complexity, the risks it poses and the low level of data protection maturity…
Blog: Counting the cost of accessing environmental information
3 June 2019 A blog by Gill Bull, Director of Freedom of Information At the beginning of May, Parliament declared a ‘climate change emergency’ and concerns about the environment make news headlines almost every day. So it’s more important than ever that people are able to get the information they need to take part in informed debates. A recent decision taken by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will now make it easier for people to do so. Alongside the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), the ICO also regulates the…
Blog: GDPR – one year on
A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner Last May marked a seismic shift in privacy and information rights with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Today, we’re publishing an update to share our reflections and learnings from the past twelve months. The change in the regulatory landscape has shown the importance of getting privacy right. People have woken up to the new rights the GDPR delivers, with increased protection for the public and increased obligations for organisations. But there is much…
Blog: GDPR – one year on
30 May 2019 A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner Last May marked a seismic shift in privacy and information rights with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Today, we’re publishing an update to share our reflections and learnings from the past twelve months. The change in the regulatory landscape has shown the importance of getting privacy right. People have woken up to the new rights the GDPR delivers, with increased protection for the public and increased obligations for organisations. But…
Blog: Data protection doesn’t take a day off
Last year we began taking action against organisations for non-payment of the data protection fee, sending out a clear message that those who didn’t pay risked a fine. We stepped that up earlier this year when we began identifying organisations which had been issued with a fine, as well trend reports to show which sectors had been issued with fines. The recent dismissal of the first appeal of a fine for non-payment of the fee by Farrow and Ball sends a further message, loud and clear, that there is no…