Bitcoin in Parabola, Real Correction Still Possible –

The past 24 hours for the Bitcoin price have been absolutely absurd. This morning, BTC found itself up by 20% on the day, trying to break past key resistances just shy of $14,000. All this changed though with a rapid flash crash. For those who missed the memo, within a matter of 15-odd minutes, Bitcoin slipped, showing an uncharacteristic bout of weakness in a massive uptrend. In fact, within the aforementioned time span, BTC fell from $13,800 — a year-to-date high — to just under $12,000. As of the time…

Bitcoin (BTC) Still In Parabola, Could Soon Hit $11,000 If Trend Holds

What’s Next For Bitcoin? For one reason or another, the past few weeks have seen Bitcoin (BTC) and its ilk freeze. The cryptocurrency market has been stuck in an odd holding pattern, whereas volatility has fallen, trading ranges have been established, and volume has begun to diminish. There is an argument to be made that Bitcoin is about to skyrocket higher though. In a recent tweet, Tuur Demeester, a partner at Adamant Capital that recently penned a great report on the cryptocurrency market, drew attention to a “bullish short-term scenario” for BTC.…