MakerDAO Risk Core Unit makes urgent parameter change request in light of recent market events

The MakerDAO Risk Core Unit, a key group within the MakerDAO governance system, submitted an urgent request on Nov. 11 to change collateral parameters for the decentralized autonomous organization’s stablecoin, Dai (DAI). Primoz, a member of the Risk Core Unit team, posted the request to the MakerDAO forum. “In light of recent events in the crypto ecosystem and surrounding uncertainty regarding financial stability and asset liquidity of various entities and their possible relations with token governed protocols, we are proposing following temporary emergency measures.” The message proposed that the debt…

Small Cardano Stake Pool Operators Raise Concerns Parameter Increase

Fully decentralizing Cardano is the network’s primary objective. But considering all of the factors in play, achieving this is no mean feat. Developers IOHK must take into account things like security, performance, stability, sustainability, and incentivization. Otherwise, the consequences of ill timing could be disastrous for the network. There are 20 parameters that control how Shelley operates. The one most people are familiar with is the “D” parameter. This refers to the ratio of blocks produced by IOHK versus independent stake pool operators (SPOs). Over time, by gradually handing more…