US Senate Votes to Overturn SEC’s Controversial Crypto Rules — Biden’s Veto Threat Looms

The U.S. Senate has voted to overturn the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s controversial SAB 121, which imposes regulatory burdens on digital asset custodians. The resolution also passed in the House and now faces a veto threat from President Joe Biden. Last week, the White House issued a statement: “If the President were presented with […] Source BitcoincryptoexchangeExchanges CryptoX Portal

U.S. Senate Votes to Kill SEC’s Crypto Accounting Policy, Testing Biden’s Veto Threat

The U.S. Senate joined the House of Representatives on Thursday in seeking to erase the controversial Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) crypto policy known as Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121, though President Joe Biden has vowed to veto the resolution. The Senate voted 60-38 on the effort to overturn the policy, commonly referred to as SAB 121, though the crypto industry may not breathe a sigh of relief over the initiative’s banking constraints, because Biden said that letting the rule be removed this way would disrupt “work to protect investors…

Injective Votes On Major Upgrade To Make INJ Even More Deflationary: Will Prices Recover?

Injective Protocol, a blockchain for decentralized finance (DeFi) and derivatives trading, is voting on a proposal to significantly reshape the platform’s tokenomics and introduce a new era dubbed Injective 3.0. According to Injective, through a post on April 19, the proposal is now open for voting via the Injective Hub. For the next four days, stakers and validators are free to participate.  Community Voting On Injective 3.0 Over the months since launching in 2023, Injective caught the crypto community’s attention. The team aims to launch a platform for users to launch DeFi-focused…

Uniswap Governance Votes Unanimously to Empower UNI Holders With Protocol Fee Rewards

In a landmark governance decision, Uniswap’s community has voted unanimously in favor of a proposal to reward UNI token holders who stake and delegate their tokens. The upgrade, aimed at revitalizing the protocol’s decision-making process, has garnered overwhelming support with over 10 million UNI tokens pledged in its favor. Historic Vote to Reward UNI Holders […] Source CryptoX Portal

El Salvador votes for continuity and crypto under Bukele’s leadership

Nayib Bukele, celebrated for his pro-bitcoin stance and aggressive crime-fighting policies, is poised to secure a second term as El Salvador’s president, with exit polls showing his “Nueva Ideas” party commanding an 87% lead in the recent elections. The remarkable margin suggests Bukele could continue to lead until 2029, highlighting the electorate’s strong approval of his governance. #ElSalvador | Resultados preliminares con base en boca de urna, arrojan que tal como se previó en las encuestas, @nayibBukele tendría la ventaja en los comicios presidenciales con un porcentaje superior al 87%…

Aave Community Votes To Integrate PayPal’s PYUSD Stablecoin

In an ongoing governance vote, 99.98% of the participating AAVE token holders favor integrating PYUSD into AAVE’s Ethereum-based pool. The voting on the proposal, termed temperature check, floated by Trident Digital on Dec. 18, will end later Thursday. The vote follows decentralized exchange Curve’s December decision to host PYUSD. Source

1inch DAO Makes DeFi History, Votes To Onboard Legal Counsel

In a historic move that sets a precedent for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), 1inch DAO, the entity behind the 1inch Network, has voted to secure “legal advisory services” from STORM Partners. Notably, this decision comes amid growing regulatory scrutiny on the crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) sectors. 1inch DAO Votes To Onboard STORM Partners For Legal Advisory Services Following voting that ended on January 9–overwhelmingly supported by the 1inch community–holders decided to onboard STORM Partners. This marks a significant step forward in the DAO’s efforts to navigate the complex legal landscape and…

PancakeSwap Community Votes to Cut CAKE Token Supply by 300M

A staggering 98% member of the PancakeSwap community voted in favour of reducing the CAKE supply by 300 million resulting into a strong surge in the CAKE price. PancakeSwap, a prominent decentralized exchange, has successfully concluded a proposal to reduce the maximum supply of its native token CAKE from 750 million to 450 million, garnering nearly 98% of votes in favor. The multi-chain decentralized exchange initiated the voting process on Thursday, presenting a proposal to decrease CAKE’s maximum token supply. Also, the voting period has concluded, revealing a decisive 97.88%…