Decentralized exchange GMX votes to use Chainlink low-latency oracles

Chainlink’s (LINK) low-latency oracles will integrate with the decentralized exchange (DEX) GMX following a successful governance proposal that sought to provide more “granular” real-time market data to GMX v2. Voting ended on April 25 at 12:00 am UTC, with over 96% of participating GMX tokenholders voting in favor of the proposal. The new Chainlink oracles — which were built with the input of GMX core contributors — were brought in to improve upon the functionality of perpetual DEXs and price-sensitive trading on GMX, the author of the proposal explained. The…

Arbitrum to break up governance votes after community backlash

Ethereum layer 2 solutions provider Arbitrum has backtracked on its governance voting system following community backlash from token holders. On April 2, the Arbitrum Foundation tweeted that its first governance proposal, AIP-1, “likely will not pass” and added its “committed to addressing the feedback received from the community.” The move will break up the debatable governance package into smaller segments. The team noted: “AIP-1 is too large and covers too many topics. We will follow the DAO’s advice and split the AIP into parts. This will allow the community to…

Arbitrum Foundation Pledges New Votes, No ‘Near-Term” ARB Sales Amid Community Revolt

In the Discord post, Eli_DeFi said that 750 million ARB token allotment will now be subject to a standalone vote. “We’re working on options to add more accountability,” he said, noting Foundation tokens will not be used in votes. (The current vote treats the Foundation’s power over that sum as a foregone conclusion; it started spending and sending tokens even before passage). Source ARBArbitrumCommunityFoundationNeartermPledgesRevoltSalesVotes CryptoX Portal

MakerDAO votes to keep USDC as primary collateral, rejects ‘diversification’ plan

MakerDAO, the decentralized autonomous organization that governs the Dai (DAI) stablecoin, has voted overwhelmingly to keep USD Coin (USDC) as the primary collateral for Dai. An alternative proposal to “diversify” collateral into Gemini Dollar (GUSD) and Paxos Dollar (USDP) was rejected in a 20% to 79% vote, according to the proposal’s official page. Vote totals for the proposal to normalize PSM Parameters. Source: MakerDAO official website In the proposal posted on March 17, the MakerDAO Risk Core Unit suggested that the risk of a cascading bank run in the U.S. has…

MakerDAO votes to keep USDC as primary collateral, rejects ‘diversification’ plan

MakerDAO, the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that governs the DAI stablecoin, has voted overwhelmingly to keep USD Coin (USDC) as the primary collateral for DAI. An alternative proposal to “diversify” collateral into Gemini U.S. Dollar (GUSD) and U.S. Dollar Paxos (USDP) has been rejected in a 20% to 79% vote, according to the proposal’s official page. Vote totals for the proposal to normalize PSM Parameters. Source: MakerDAO official website In the proposal posted on March 17, the MakerDAO Risk Core Unit suggested that the risk of a cascading bank run…