The possible valuation of Telegram may reach $30-$50 billion.
It has become known that Telegram is considering the option to go public. The most expected period for it is 2023. Though IPO may be the most expected variant for Telegram, the company may prefer one of the other variants. For example, it may go public via a SPAC merger or to opt for a direct listing.
The possible valuation of Telegram may reach $30-$50 billion.
At the current moment, Telegram is conducting pre-IPO studies and is working on finding the most appropriate region and platform for listing. According to sources, the most preferable options for the company are Nasdaq or Hong Kong stock exchange as over 40% of Telegram users are based in Asia. Moreover, this number is expected to continue its growth and it may reach even 50% in 2 years.
Daria is an economic student interested in the development of modern technologies. She is eager to know as much as possible about cryptos as she believes they can change our view on finance and the world in general.