Twitter and Snap Unveils Platform Integration, TWTR and SNAP Stock Soar

After the Snapchat integration, Twitter is going to launch such integrations with other social media platforms.

Social media giants Twitter Inc (NYSE: TWTR) and Snap Inc (NYSE: SNAP) announced the integration of each other’s platform to allow for the sharing of contents. According to TechCrunch, both companies hope that through the integration, users from both ends can make a switch from the use of screenshots to share content from the other’s platform to have a much more interactive engagement.

Per the report, the feature is currently available on iOS mobile with plans to roll out similar innovations in the near future for Android users. According to TechCrunch, Twitter users who are also logged into the Snapchat app on their phone will be able to access the functionality by tapping share on a particular tweet and navigating to the Snapchat icon where they’ll be able to share and react or comment on a Twitter post and send it to a friend or share on their story. The new integration functionality will remarkably only work for tweets from public accounts, not protected ones.

This integration is possible because of a new update made to Snap’s Snap Kit API and a particular feature called Creative Kit. Using the creative kit, other platforms besides Twitter such as Yolo, Spotify, GOAT, SoundCloud, Reddit, and Sendit have also performed similar integrations with the Snapchat app.

The rollout of this new feature has sent the shares of both Twitter and Snap to impressive intraday highs this week. While Twitter closed trading up 8.43% to $51.21 on Thursday, Snap closed 8.14% to $53.15. The new gains have consolidated the 59% year-to-date growth of Twitter stocks as well as 221% for Snap.

Twitter and Snap Integration to Usher in Similar Moves

The social media of today features content that is indiscriminately shared by users from one platform to the other. With Twitter renowned to feature more active engagements, users generally share screenshots of tweets from the platform to others such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, and even Instagram.

The grand benefit in the recent integration between Twitter and Snapchat (SNAP) as highlighted will involve helping users who have no prior registration on Twitter to have experience with the platform, a move that can spur them to eventually register, a boost for Twitter in the long run.

With the Snapchat integration now live, Twitter is hoping to launch such integrations with the other social media platforms in the coming months. This feature of platform integration may usher in a new era of interdependence amongst the mainstream social media entities, a move that is poised to reduce the inherent competition amongst the platforms.

Business News, Editor’s Choice, Market News, News, Social Media

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture.


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