What I Learned Building a $100,000 Bitcoin Mining Shed!

▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

Building a DIY mining farm worth it? Converting a shed into a profitable Bitcoin and GPU mining farm is easier said than done, I made a lot of expensive mistakes, so here’s everything I learned from building my own $100,000 Mining Shed. Subscribe!

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Chasing passive income through mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies sounds fun, profitable, and easy but scaling from one mining rig to multiple miners is difficult and expensive. I moved my GPU miners and Bitcoin mining rigs out of my house, and into a shed, which I converted to my own DIY mining farm. Ultimately I invested $100,000 into my mining shed build and mining rigs, unfortunately, I made some costly mistakes along the way. Today I am going to review what I learned building my first mining shed, what I really regretted, and how I am improving my crypto mining shed build with my second one, the VoskCoin Mining Shed 2.0.

Watch the VoskCoin $100,000 Mining Shed Review –
Watch the original GPU Mining Shed in action –

⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 What I regret from my $100,000 mining shed
01:13 How to maximize airflow in a mining shed
07:40 What shelves to use in a mining shed
08:36 Why did I choose a rectangular shed?
10:11 Air filtration problems to avoid
12:10 Problems I faced with my first mining shed
14:16 Should you start mining crypto?

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#VoskCoin #crypto #mining #cryptoshed #miner #asic #miningshed #cryptomining

▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

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