What is Bitcoin? | Finance Masterclass | Bitcoin Investment for Beginners | Cryptocurrency

▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

In his video, Finance Masterclass Trainer & Speaker Ms. Yukti Ruparelia gives complete knowledge and insights on “Bitcoin”.
Bitcoins are generated by the system. It enables payments to between users without passing through any gateway. Bitcoins are handled electronically throughout. They are not in any physical form like INR, Dollars, etc. This type of currency is produced by systems using suitable software. It is a decentralized digital currency, decentralized means it is not regulated by any government.
For more insights, you can purchase our book Finance Masterclass – By Vishal Bhojani Founder Ex-Investment Banker and Founder of Magic Institute of Excellence.
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▶ Coinbase Website: Coinbase.com
▶ CEX Website: cex.io

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