What’s Hideo Kojima Teasing for Death Stranding in 2020?

  • Hideo Kojima has shared a new Death Stranding-themed tease on Twitter.
  • The short clip heavily references World War I flick, 1917.
  • Kojima is more than likely putting in the ground work for a Death Stranding PC version release date announcement.

Hideo Kojima is teasing something Death Stranding related.

The head of Kojima Productions published a teaser trailer on Twitter in the early hours of today. With nothing more than a vague ‘Coming 2020’ to guide us through yet another characteristically oblique tease, Kojima’s intentions are unclear.

Source: Twitter

Death Stranding ‘Coming 2020’ Tease

The short video sees protagonist Sam Bridges avoiding a crashing plane then snaking through trenches before running across a no man’s land strewn with barbed wired cheval de frise.

The style bears a striking resemblance to last year’s World War I-themed one-shot wonder, 1917. Even the font used to flood the screen with ‘Coming 2020’ is the very same used in 1917.

By his own admission, Hideo Kojima is a film buff. His Twitter bio reads, ‘70% of my body is made of movies.’

As such, it’s safe to assume the tease references Sam Mendes’ latest effort.

The footage isn’t new. Kojima plundered it straight from Death Stranding – Chapter 4 ‘Unger’ to be precise.

A chiralium supercell storm hoovers up overworked delivery man Sam Bridges and drops him into Cliff Unger’s beach. Unger’s a weathered military man, so his afterlife microcosm is a battlefield with trenches, charred tree stumps, and zipping bullets.

What Is Kojima Teasing?

Our money is on the PC release of Death Stranding. Or, Kojima has taken the time to stamp 1917 with his seal of approval by piecing together an homage of sorts.

Source: Twitter

Kojima Productions announced in late October that the game would make its way to PC in early summer 2020. We’ve heard little else since. We’re due a release date. With summer creeping ever-closer, now seems as good a time as any to kick start the promotional build-up to an announcement.

There’s speculation that Kojima is teasing Death Stranding DLC, but the recycled footage doesn’t play in favor of that theory.

Death Stranding’s ending, which we’ll avoid spoiling here, is relatively finite. There’s little to play with that could be stretched into a short 10 hour or less DLC story line.

Kojima’s latest world offers countless avenues to explore, but the overarching premise would need to be rejigged as a completely separate game to make sense.

DLC or PC release tease, we won’t have to wait long to find out.

This article was edited by Samburaj Das.

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