The global population figure has just reached a huge milestone, with 8 billion souls now sharing the planet. Meanwhile, crypto adoption continues to grow.
According to Worldometer, which draws estimates from a 2022 United Nations report, the global population ticked over 8 billion on Nov. 15, doubling from a population count of 4 billion in 1974 — some 48 years ago.
Worldometer said that as of 2022, the population’s annual growth rate sits at around 0.84% but will continue to slow. This could mean it could take another 15 years for the world’s population to reach 9 billion, while the population won’t hit 10 billion until 2080.
In late 2022, the eight billionth human being will enter the world, ushering in a new milestone for humanity
In just 48 years, the world population has doubled in size, jumping from four to eight billion.
China and India are the two most populous countries, with almost 36% of the global population between them.
However, there currently doesn’t exist a consensus around how much of the world’s population currently holds digital assets such as cryptocurrency, with estimates varying.
Market research firm GWI suggests that as much as 10.2% already hold crypto, with most ownership skewed toward nations experiencing high inflation or fluctuation in the value of their national fiat.
Singapore-based blockchain firm TripleA estimated that as of 2022, the global crypto ownership rate is around 4.2%, with over 320 million crypto users worldwide. It reported that the United States was top with 46 million crypto holders, followed by India, Pakistan and Nigeria.
Earlier this year, Chainalysis ranked 146 countries in five categories in its 2022 Global Crypto Adoption Index. It found that Vietnam led the pack for overall adoption rates, followed by the Philippines, India, Ukraine and the United States. However, the report did not suggest actual ownership figures.
China, however, remains a difficult country to ascertain the level of crypto ownership. A large portion of people in the world’s most populous country is understood to be tech-savvy and hungry for crypto.