Montana Senate Passes Bill Protecting Crypto Miners

Bitcoin miners have been targeted by environmentalists and U.S. lawmakers for their potential impacts on carbon neutrality goals as well as electrical grids. In the past few months, bitcoin miners have been fighting back, and as many as five bills are going through state legislatures to protect the industry. Source

IMF exec board endorses crypto policy framework, including no crypto as legal tender

The executive board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has assessed a paper on crypto asset policy published by the fund and expressed its agreement with its proposed policy framework. The paper, titled “Elements of Effective Policies for Crypto Assets,” developed a framework of nine policy principles that addressed macrofinancial, legal and regulatory, and international coordination issues.  The proposed principles were mainly quite broad, emphasizing analysis, monitoring and guarding. The paper explicitly says the proposals should be taken up by “the Directors.” The first principle did contain a concrete injunction, reading:…

Pantera Invests $10M in Metaverse Game Worldwide Webb

“We’re building tools to allow them to bring their IP into the game. This is through land where they can build spaces, integrate their existing NFTs and build new ones into the Webb ecosystem,” Worldwide Webb founder and CEO Thomas Webb told CryptoX in an email. “We’re excited to build long-term relationships with brands and IP as we not only integrate their NFTs as avatars, but also bring their IP into the Webb universe through meaningful in-game features such as quests, boss fights, items and more.” Source 10MGameInvestsMetaversePanteraWebbWorldwide CryptoX Portal

Snow Crash manuscript that coined the term ‘Metaverse’ to be auctioned by Sotheby’s

The original manuscript of Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash — the book which coined the term “Metaverse,” — will be auctioned by Sotheby’s, according to a page on Sotheby’s official website. The auction is part of a Feb. 23 series called “Infocalypse” that includes six physical and six digital items related to the famous book. The original manuscript is in Lot 2 of the series. It is “wrapped in original Xerox 4200 Paper,” secured with masking tape and contains “corrections and notations throughout in Neal Stephenson’s hand in blue ink.” It also…