Coinbase Wants Coders to Help With Its Crypto Regulation Proposal

Fresh on the heels of Coinbase asking the U.S. government to create a new regulator to oversee the cryptocurrency industry, the exchange is seeking public input via GitHub.

A repository published Thursday by the crypto giant is seeking suggestions from techno-savvy observers.

“This framework represents our good-faith suggestions on a U.S. regulatory framework for digital assets,” Coinbase wrote. “We encourage your contributions to this discussion about the role of digital assets in our shared economic future.”

A Coinbase spokesman confirmed it’s the first time the company has used GitHub to solicit feedback on policy matters. (The company’s engineering team has long used it for open-source code.)

Read more: Coinbase Proposes US Create New Regulator to Oversee Crypto

As of press time, one user has proposed two pull requests; two users have chimed in with quick words of encouragement.

The proposal from the publicly traded crypto exchange comes as regulatory discussions in Washington, D.C., swirl – made all the more juicy by the looming prospect of the first approval of a bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund (ETF) by U.S. regulators.

Venture capital giant (and early Coinbase backer) Andreessen Horowitz is also assembling a crypto policy proposal for U.S. lawmakers.


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