Elon to Put Dogecoin on the Moon by 2022

By 2022, Tony Sta… I mean Elon Musk says he will be putting a real physical Dogecoin on the moon

No one ever said the man wasn’t brilliant, if not a little eccentric. His backing of the cryptocurrency that was once just a joke is not just for fun.

Dogecoin holders earned 12,000% returns since January 1st of 2021.

Courtesy of Coindesk

It’s incredible how an “investment” that generated 12,000% over less than 5 months was started as a joke. Imagine how many Sheba Inu dogs can be adopted for such returns, especially after they put Dogecoin on the moon!

After all, that’s what Dogecoin’s parents, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer did.

They created a payment system that makes fun of the crazy speculation of cryptocurrencies. Just like so many things we have seen in recent years, Dogecoin took on a life of its own! Now it’s circulating with a supply of 129.5-billion coins as of May 9, 2021. 

It’s not just a meme: Dogecoin is changing the world

On Jan 9, 2014, the Dogecoin Foundation created a community fundraising effort with the goal of raising US$50,000 for the Jamaican Bobsled Team. The team qualified but could not afford to attend the Sochi Winter Olympics. By day 2 of the fundraising, US$36,000 worth of Dogecoin. This made the BTC-Dogecoin exchange rate go up by 50%! 

On top of that, just a month ago in May, Dogecoin jumped more than 50 cents!

The motivation to get behind Dogecoin is the same as almost any crypto: Taking power away from the third parties who charge fees for people to use their own money on their platform. They’re called banks, and you may have heard of them.

The real reason for putting Dogecoin on the moon for Elon Musk is not to stick it to traditional finance. (Although that’s a great side-benefit!) I believe the real reason behind putting Dogecoin on the moon lies in the fact that Elon Musk owns SpaceX, the world’s leader in private sector space flight. In the Q1 of 2022, Canadian firm Geometric Energy Corporation will put a physical Dogecoin on the moon in a 40-kilogram CubeSat on one of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets. It would be interesting to watch what happens, and if only we could invest in SpaceX! Too bad it’s not public! (Yet…)

Dogecoin’s 2% increase last week is one indication that moves like this are the right thing to ensure a bright future for not just Dogecoin, its holders, and Mr. Musk, but the entire world and anyone who will use crypto. 

Featured image: DepositPhotos

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