Get Real-Time and Historical BCH Rates With the Price Converter

With prices of major digital assets constantly in flux, traders need a reliable tool to calculate the value of their crypto holdings in fiat currency. The Price Converter developed by is one such instrument that’s accurate and easy to use.

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Calculator Provides Conversion Data for BCH and BTC

The Price Converter, which is available in the Bitcoin Tools section of the portal, supports bitcoin cash (BCH) and bitcoin core (BTC). The calculator gives users real-time rates to convert any amount of BCH or BTC to a preferred world currency. Major fiat currencies are available for reference – U.S. dollar, euro, British pound, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, Australian dollar, and Hong Kong dollar.

The tool also provides traders with the option to access historical price data for both cryptocurrencies. To use this functionality, simply toggle the real-time button off. Then you’ll be able to set a past date and check the price of the respective coin.

Get Real-Time and Historical BCH Rates With the Price Converter

The Price Converter uses exchange rates from the Composite Index (BCX), which is a daily historical price index that tracks the value of bitcoin cash and bitcoin core in U.S. dollars. BCX is a composite of multiple constituent indices and historical values are charted. also publishes real-time spot rates for BCH and BTC which are displayed in the top menu of the website. And if you want to be updated about the current prices and market valuations of many more cryptocurrencies, you can monitor the Satoshi Pulse market cap aggregator.

Under the calculator tool, you’ll find a link to a dedicated Buy Bitcoin page where you can purchase bitcoin cash or bitcoin core with USD or EUR using a Visa or Mastercard credit card.

Have you tried the Price Converter? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Smartmockups.

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Tags in this story
Bitcoin, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Core,, Calculator, Cryptocurrencies, currencies, Price Converter, Prices, rates, The Daily Tip, tool

Lubomir Tassev

Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Bulgaria, which sometimes finds itself at the forefront of advances it cannot easily afford. Quoting Hitchens, he says: ”Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.“ International politics and economics are two other sources of inspiration.


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