Abacus Life Partners With Blockcerts to Introduce Blockchain-Powered Insurance

Abacus Life Settlements, a buyer of life insurance policies in the United States, has teamed up with BlockCerts to introduce blockchain-enabled insurance and longevity-related assets. Jay Jackson, the CEO of Abacus life, pointed out: “Abacus Life and Longevity Market Assets are excited to partner with BlockCerts Web 4.0 to lead the next generation of life insurance and annuity purchases using blockchain. We are revolutionizing the acquisition and investment in longevity-related assets.”  Through blockchain technology, Abacus life will attain next-generation data security, cost reductions, and a competitive advantage in…

Xiaomi Files Patent to Create Its Own Blockchain-Powered Virtual Characters – Blockchain Bitcoin News

Xiaomi, one of the biggest mobile phone and tech companies in the world, has introduced a patent that implements blockchain technology for the creation of its own virtual characters. The patent, introduced in China, mentions that the creation of these characters will be randomized thanks to the introduction of a gene sequence, responsible for determining the looks of the character. Xiaomi Introduces Blockchain in Character Generation Patent More and more industries are including blockchain as part of their new products due to its decentralized and immutable traits. Xiaomi,…

Accuweather Collaborates With API3 in Order to Provide Blockchain-Powered Weather Data – Blockchain Bitcoin News

On June 1, the American media company that provides commercial weather forecasts, Accuweather, announced it is tethering weather data to blockchain technology by hosting an API3 Airnode. The company revealed that it is collaborating with blockchain oracle provider API3 and Web API operators will be able to access Accuweather’s onchain weather data. Accuweather Exec Believes Blockchain Weather Data Can Make ‘Lasting Impacts Through a Range of Industries’ According to the company Accuweather, the firm is hosting its own API3 oracle node in order to provide a “seamless Web3 wrapper that…

India’s Telangana State Partners with CasperLabs for Seamless Blockchain-Powered Government Processes

India’s Telangana State has joined hands with CasperLabs to revamp operations using blockchain technology to stimulate more secure, efficient, and sustainable government processes. As a leading blockchain software company, CasperLabs will render an open network that will boost entrepreneurship opportunities for the public and private sectors in Telangana.   Furthermore, blockchain initiatives are expected to empower government officials and policymakers with more insights for better decision-making.    Jayesh Ranjan, the Principal Secretary of the Industries & Commerce (I&C) and Information Technology (IT) Departments of the Telangana government acknowledged: “Casper…

Lemonade to Offer Blockchain-Powered Climate Insurance for Farmers in Emerging Markets

Lemonade, a top American insurance company, has revealed the formation of the Lemonade Crypto Climate Coalition meant to offer blockchain-enabled climate insurance to the most vulnerable farmers across the globe. Through its nonprofit organization dubbed the Lemonade Foundation, Lemonade has partnered with other companies like Chainlink, Avalanche, DAOstack, Hannover Re, Tomorrow.io, Pula, and Etherisc as founding coalition members. Based on the Lemonade Foundation’s objective of rendering environmental and social change through technology, the coalition is being established as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to create and distribute parametric and instantaneous…

Blockchain-Powered Game WonderHero Sees Average Player Incomes Reach $1,215 Within Weeks Of Launch

As the most recent advancement in the gaming industry, the concept of play-to-earn (P2E) gaming has garnered mainstream popularity, especially as gamers seek new income opportunities during the pandemic. Through P2E, individuals can generate passive returns while playing certain games. The concept has become so popular that scattered cases have emerged worldwide whereby players earn more than their ordinary salaries, leading to an unprecedented rise in the number of P2E games and players alike. Among the flood of play-to-earn games, WonderHero, a recently launched P2E Mobile RPG, has turned out…

BSTX Receives SEC Approval For Blockchain-Powered Securities Exchange

BSTX, a joint venture between tZero and Boston Options Exchange (BOX) Digital Markets, has received the green light from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to operate a blockchain based securities exchange. BSTX is aiming for immediate or accelerated settlement (T+0 or T+1) thanks to the transactions taking place on the blockchain. It will also provide market data recorded on the blockchain in a process similar to an Oracle. This will be done via a blockchain run by BSTX. The exchange will be open to both retail and institutional…

City of Liverpool takes interest in blockchain-powered food delivery platform

On Monday, Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region Steve Rotheram announced a 700,000 pound ($955,957) investment into blockchain-powered food delivery service Peepl. The software aims to act as a cost-efficient alternative to food delivery giants for local restaurants. Peepl claims that it can save restaurants up to 50% on the commissions typically charged by food delivery platforms through its technology and partnerships. In addition, the Peepl platform promises to give consumers back 5% to 10% on each order’s value in the form of Peepl Tokens (PPL). However, they will…

Colnago Deploys Blockchain-Powered Digital Passport for Seamless Cycling Experience

Colnago, a leading Italian road-racing bicycle manufacturer, has integrated blockchain technology into its new bicycles so that customers can get proof of validity and ownership. New technology, as a result, is expected to combat counterfeit and theft. Manolo Bertocchi, the head of marketing at Colnago, welcomed the move and stated:  “We have been looking at the security provided by blockchain technology to give our customers the confidence to know that the frame they are buying is authentic and to demonstrate the chain of ownership forever.” MyLime, a blockchain-based…

South Korea to Introduce Blockchain-Powered COVID-19 “Vaccine Passports”

In order to revive cross-border travel and keep infection risks under control, the South Korean government seeks to issue blockchain-enabled COVID-19 “vaccine passports” to immunized citizens.  Rolling out a blockchain-based application The South Korean administration plans to issue a digital certification system powered by blockchain technology to verify an individual’s coronavirus vaccination status using a smartphone application from this month.  According to Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun: “The introduction of a vaccine passport or ‘Green Pass’ will only allow those who have been vaccinated to experience the recovery to their…