Binance Oracle network to bridge Web3 and blockchains via smart contracts

Crypto exchange Binance announced the launch of a new data feed network, Binance Oracle, that allows blockchain smart contracts to connect with real-world data, starting with its in-house blockchain offering, BNB Chain. For starters, Binance Oracle will allow existing decentralized applications (DApps) and Web3 ecosystem partners on BNB Chain to access existing data sources and advanced computations. “Over ten BNB Chain projects have already integrated with the Binance Oracle network,” confirmed Binance. The ability to connect smart contracts with off-chain data will be made available for other blockchains in due…

Blockchain’s Adoption & Capabilities Increase against Fraud in Public Finance Sector

Based on blockchain’s inherent capability of tackling fraudulent transactions, this cutting-edge technology is expected to continue being adopted in the banking and financial services sector, according to HashCash Consultants CEO Raj Chowdhury. Chowdhury pointed out: “Innovations such as blockchain empower public finance managers with greater visibility and control of public fund utilization in real-time. Efficient use of public money will lead to improved services for the public, economic boost, and improvement of the community as a whole.” With research forecasting that the worldwide blockchain expenditure will clock $67.4…

Galaxy Digital to provide market data to blockchains with Chainlink

Despite the innovations brought about by blockchain technology, a blockchain by itself does not automatically come with market data. To fix this, the trading and asset management firm Galaxy Digital has collaborated with the blockchain oracle provider Chainlink.  In an announcement sent to Cointelegraph, Galaxy highlighted that the firm will provide its crypto pricing data to blockchains through Chainlink. The firm believes that with this data, smart contract developers will have the ability to build more advanced decentralized applications (DApps). Zane Glauber, the head of strategic opportunities at Galaxy, told…

History's Largest Financial Scam – Cryptocurrency

▶ Coinbase Website: ▶ CEX Website: ANVIL STEAM PAGE: Cryptocurrency, led by Bitcoin have exploded to a near 2 trillion dollar market cap, but as the industry grows, the danger rises. Crypto is not just a risky investment, it is also a wealth redistribution mechanism that funnels capital from the poor, to the rich. Crypto is misunderstood in one of the most dangerous ways possible, while functioning as an elitist and criminal safe haven of the worst kind. PATREON: ODYSEE INVITE: LOCALS: Axial GT’s Channel: Thank You. Subscribe…

Saving the planet could be blockchain’s killer app – Cointelegraph Magazine

The sustainability movement has emerged as a 21st century megatrend, and it shows no signs of abating. Record heat in Europe, wildfires in the U.S. West, floods in Pakistan, drought in China, and accelerating ice cap melt in Greenland and Antarctica have driven home to many the looming threat of climate change.   Meanwhile, the New York Times declared in December “the sustainable industrial revolution is just getting started,” and even heavy industries like shipping, steel, and plastics are beginning to grasp the importance of an ecologically sustainable future — developing…