Why Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Might Snub Beatrice’s Royal Wedding

  • Meghan Markle and Prince Harry officially resigned from royal duties in January.
  • Meghan and Harry’s plans for the Sussex Royal brand have been disrupted by the Queen reportedly banning them from using the royal moniker.
  • Will they snub Princess Beatrice’s wedding as retribution?

Another year, another royal wedding. The marriage of Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi may not have the glamour of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding, but it’s set to be a special day for fans of the monarchy.

Source: Twitter

Unless Meghan and Harry decide to make the event all about them.

Cousin Beatrice attended Harry and Meghan’s wedding

The question that many royal commentators are asking is: Did Meghan Markle and Prince Harry disown Harry’s family when they resigned from royal duties?

The upcoming wedding of Beatrice and Edoardo will be the litmus test, according to royal expert Angela Mollard:

If they don’t come back for Beatrice’s wedding, I think it will be the most tremendous stink. It will just be seen as an absolutely massive snub to the Royal Family and would suggest that they absolutely put their own needs ahead of other royalty.

Source: Twitter

Ms. Mollard went even further by claiming that Meghan and Harry actively wish to miss the wedding altogether:

They do want to miss out on it. They don’t want to be part of that life.

Celebrity dinners with Jennifer Lopez have replaced stuffy royal weddings of late.

Their absence could be retaliation against the Queen

The Queen reportedly squashed one of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s moneymaking schemes. | Source: Shaun Jeffers/Shutterstock.com

The Queen allegedly put the blockers on Meghan and Harry using Sussex Royal as the centerpiece of their brand.

This will have caused the Hollywood royals a headache for sure, as they had trademarked the title.

Perhaps this move by the Queen irked Meghan and Harry to such an extent that they’d miss the royal wedding? Time will tell on that front.

It’s not Meghan’s wedding – but she’d be the center of attention

Bride or not, Meghan would upstage Beatrice. | Source: AP Photo/Alastair Grant

Much like Princess Eugenie’s wedding in 2018, neither Meghan nor Kate will play anything more than a low-key role in Beatrice’s ceremony.

This won’t stop Meghan from ultimately upstaging the bride, even if it is entirely outside her control.

All eyes will be on both Meghan Markle and Harry to see how they interact with members of Harry’s family following “Megxit” in January.

Relations could be even frostier if reports that the Queen put a halt to the couple using the Sussex Royal brand are accurate.

This will be Beatrice’s big day, but she’ll not be the focus of attention, especially not from the media.

Meghan Markle and Harry wouldn’t be able to deflect the blame this time

They’ll be hardpressed to deflect the blame if they snub Beatrice. | Source: FiledIMAGE/Shutterstock.com

Meghan and Harry are scheduled to be back on U.K. soil on March 9 to attend the Commonwealth Day festivities at Westminster Abbey.

Of course, being scheduled to appear doesn’t necessarily mean that they will appear. Ms. Mollard hinted that an appearance from both of them is far from certain:

I think the Commonwealth meeting is very important obviously because that’s the role the Queen gave them as Commonwealth youth ambassadors. It will be interesting to see if they come back for that.

We all hope that both Meghan and Harry return for both the Commonwealth event and Beatrice’s wedding.

The negative attention they’d receive from the public will only intensify if they don’t. At least this time, they wouldn’t be able to blame everyone but themselves.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

This article was edited by Josiah Wilmoth.


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