Apple Halts Development of Its Apple Glasses

While Apple has made it a more productive venture to focus its developmental efforts on AR/VR headsets and to find ways to make them more affordable, its focus is also on what the future of communication will evolve into eventually.

American multinational technology giant Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) has indefinitely delayed the launch of its most revered Apple Glasses headsets. As first reported by Bloomberg, the postponement was based on the fact that Apple is facing significant technical difficulties to develop the product at this time.

The news comes after about a year when Bloomberg shared an update that Apple is actually considering postponing the launch date of the AR headsets until this year. Much work has already been committed to the development of the AR Glasses, however, the company will slow down on its efforts in this regard.

The AR Headsets are designed to work like the Google Glass smart glasses that are lightweight and offer digital representation that is overlaid with the real world as compared to the virtual world as presented by its Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) headsets. The argument for starting work on the Apple Glass focuses on the fact that the AR headsets are too bogus and are not convenient for use outdoors.

With the indefinite push of its possible debut day, Apple has reportedly stopped its active work on the product and has tasked its AR team to intensify work on the AR headsets.

Amongst the major challenges experienced by Apple in its plans to float an AR headset involves securing the right hardware to produce a lightweight headset as well as getting the right battery that can power the device just like the iPhone. Despite the notable halt in active development, the sources who spoke to Bloomberg affirmed that the company still sees the Apple Glasses as a product that has what it takes to truly replace the iPhone in the near future.

Apple Glasses and the Metaverse Push

For the majority of the tech giants around the world, projecting into the future comes off as one of the most important research and development works they can ever get focus on today.

While Apple has made it a more productive venture to focus its developmental efforts on AR/VR headsets and to find ways to make them more affordable, its focus is also on what the future of communication will evolve into eventually.

Based on the current trend, many believe the metaverse is the next frontier in social communications. While Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ: META) has changed its name and corporate ideology to focus on metaverse-related products, other tech giants are also exploring avenues to plug into this new niche with the next iteration of their products.

Apple is known not to share many details about its products until when it launched, and while the production of the Apple Glasses that it considers are more sustainable is being halted, there is confidence that it will heighten its research into the metaverse and make its pivot whenever it considers as the right time.

Business News, News, Technology News, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality News

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture.

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